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I've been desperate since my boyfriend jabez cheated on me

*Knock knock*
Y: come in

Kyl: hey it's me
Y: i dont wanna have company
I said putting my cover over me
Kyl: *sigh* .........oh I know how about we go to the soccer game
Y: sure why not
I said getting up from my bed
I went to my closet and heheh let me tell you my closet it's big like an apartment

oh I know how about we go to the soccer game Y: sure why not I said getting up from my bed I went to my closet and heheh let me tell you my closet it's big like an apartment

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I wear this but with the t-shirt of the soccer team

the only reason I'm going with Kylie
is because sports is something that get my mind off boys

I went with Kylie
Y:wait we're is stormi
Kyl: she at mom now let's go
Y: ok just chill I'm 19 not 5
We laughed and went to the soccer game

Me and Kylie had so much fun that I didn't even think about jabez

The speaker:
Oh there he go oh mattia
MATTIA go ohhhhhhhhhh

Everyone: GOAL

Speaker :
He did it mattia did it
USA got 3-0 yess
Every player is jumping on mattia congratulations USA won 3-0

Me and Kylie was screaming loud and crazy
And the same did everyone

Mattia was kinda cute and hot 🥵

After the game me and Kylie went to her Lamborghini
When Kylie stopped

Kyl:that mattia guy is checking you out
U: what no why would he
Kyl: a little bird told me that Kim know him
Y: you are kidding
Kyl: he came to your house one day when you were busy with jabez
She said rolling her eyes
Y: you know Kylie you are a best friend you just made me lost felling for him
She smiled and gave me a hug I hugged her back
Mattia keep starting at me but I just ignored it
We went inside Kylie's car and drive home

When we got home the house was decorate in red roses were red
Y:mom what's all this
Mo:oh is the decorations for the red party tomorrow
I said walking upstairs
Mo: ohh Kanye did you invite mattias parents and him
When she said that I turned around
Y: you said mattia
Mo: yes mattia polibio
Y: oh i-was-you know- I'm going to my room
Mo:ok come downstairs for dinner
Y: yeah yeah
Da: hey stop the attitude
Y: sorry
I went upstairs and lay down and thought about mattia wow I'm already thinking about him

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