Part7(this is gonna be more like the realty show)

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At the west's home
Kim:y/n what are you up to
Y/n: i just woke up
I  said in a raspy voice
Kim:you gotta hurry mattia is here
In the confession room
Y: ever since I got pregnant I been always tired and hungry
And I can't with that
Back to the room
Y: mom I'm so tired
Kim: I know how it feels but you have to hurry you don't want dad to come
*gets up from bed to the bathroom*

At the west's home Kim:y/n what are you up to Y/n: i just woke up I  said in a raspy voice Kim:you gotta hurry mattia is here In the confession room Y: ever since I got pregnant I been always tired and hungry And I can't with that Back to the room...

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(My outfit)

Kim: you ready to go
Y: yea
I got downstairs and there was mattia
He kissed me and went in the car and drove to our house

Y/n&mattia's house
Y/n: if mom finds out that I have this big ass house she's gonna freak out
In the confession room
Y: my mom is somebody that really likes to boss around and organize everything like a little cozy house but I got this big ass house and it will just freak her out
Back to the room
Mat: don't worry babe she won't
Y:if you say so
I walk to the bathroom and look at Th bump is even bigger
Y: i can't
Y: Alexa call Kylie
Alexa: calling Kylie
I need to go to the doctor can you go with me
Sure but you gotta let me be the one who has the gender envelope
Yea Me and mattia already had organized it
Ok I'll be there at 5
Ok hurry
I'll be there
Call ended

At kris house
Kris: Kim
Kim: ya
Kris : have y/n found a nanny
Kim: I never asked her if she wanted a nanny so I don't know
Kris: you got to talk about it it with her
In the confession room
Kim:I just can't wait to see the baby but I never had thought about a nanny for y/n and she is gonna freak out when we  afford a nanny and she doesn't even know
Back to the room
Kris: you gotta talk to her about it ok
Kim:yea I'll do it after the baby is out
Kris: where are you going
Kim: I'm gonna go and find a dress to the met gala
At doctor
Doctor: ok y/n west let's check the baby
Mattia was rubbing my foot and Kylie was holding my hand
After 5minutes
The doctor came outside and gave the envelope to Kylie
Doctor: ok so the babies are healthy and good
Mattia&me: babies
Doctor:yes you're having twins
Mattia hugged me tight
We left and went home
At west house
*Kim on the phone with y/n*
So we found out it's twins
What are you serious
Yeah I can't wait two my angels to come
Who is organizing the baby shower
Kylie Kylie Kylie always there for y/n
*laugh* yeah but gotta go I just got home bye
Bye love you
Love you too
*End of call*

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