Part 10

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I woke up because one of the babies were crying
I went to their room it was shine
Y: hey I'm here you have to be quiet you don't wanna wake up hope
I breast feed him and made him fall asleep aging
I went to our bathroom and showered and putted on my clothes

I woke up because one of the babies were crying I went to their room it was shine Y: hey I'm here you have to be quiet you don't wanna wake up hope I breast feed him and made him fall asleep aging I went to our bathroom and showered and putted on ...

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I went back to our room
Y: mattia wake up
M: 5 minutes Kira
Y: KIRA who the hell is that
He chuckled
I throw a pillow at him
M:I'm kidding I just found up a name
Y: you better
M: where you going all dressed up
Y: on a date
Y: I'm kidding .... mom is gonna call for some photos shop and I'm gonna go and get my met gala dress
M: you right I'm going to but my suit
Y: who is taking care of the babies
M: I can't
He said walking to the bathroom
Y: then i guess I'm taking care of them today
I walked in their room the were awake
Y: come on let's put some clothes on

 mom is gonna call for some photos shop and I'm gonna go and get my met gala dress M: you right I'm going to but my suit Y: who is taking care of the babies M: I can't He said walking to the bathroom Y: then i guess I'm taking care of them today I...

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Shine's outfit

Shine's outfit

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Hope's outfit

I picked them both and went downstairs
M: aww look who it is my two little angels
They giggled
Y: come on let's put you in the car
I went with them to the car places them in their car seat and entered the house

I picked them both and went downstairs M: aww look who it is my two little angels They giggled Y: come on let's put you in the car I went with them to the car places them in their car seat and entered the house

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(Btw this is y'all car you had also others but I not gonna show them)

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(Btw this is y'all car you had also others but I not gonna show them)

I entered the house to get my stuff
When mattia came back me and kissed my neck
Y: tia stop not now
M: come on
Y: I gotta go
He just rolled he's eyes
Y: maybe later
I said walking to the car
We took the white car
I went in the car and we drove to my model company
I took the babies out I entered and saw mom
Y: what's up with all the clothes
Kim: hi mwah
She kissed me on the forehead
Kim: hi babies you look just like your daddy
Y: ok now what are we gonna do
Kim: you gotta go and take the shoots
I gave mom the kids and changed and started to take the photo shoots
After the photo shoots
I went to change to my normal clothes and said bye to mom took the babies and we went to look at my met gala dress after that we went home I putted the babies in the crib in the living room o wet and changed

I entered the house to get my stuff When mattia came back me and kissed my neck Y: tia stop not now M: come on Y: I gotta go He just rolled he's eyes Y: maybe later I said walking to the car We took the white car I went in the car and we drove to ...

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I went back again to the couch and  slept while the babies slept too
Mattia's POV:
I came home from soccer practice and to check my suit I entered the house and saw y/n and the babies sleeping
I took the babies I'm their room and went downstairs to y/n. I placed her on my chest and we cuddle

Y/n POV:
I woke up on mattia's chest
Y: mattia were is the babies
M: I putted them in the crib
He said in a raspy voice
Y:when did you get home
M: 1hour ago
Y: ugh let me make dinner
I went downstairs and started to make rise and salat and beef
I went to get mattia and the babies we ate and then I putted pj on the twins before that I showered them and putted them in their cribs so the could sleep
I went downstairs to mattia and sat down next to him
M: are they sleeping
Y: yeah they are
M: so what do you wanna do on your free time
Y: hehe for Kardashian's there's nothing lie a free day
M:how was the gala dress
Y: it went well it was pretty cool
M: well let's go and sleep
I agree and we went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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