5- Taehyung

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Tags- Squirting, Public Sex, Edging, Vibrators, Humiliation, Exhibitionism.

Jungkook jogged to the living room when Taehyung called them all out for lunch.

"What's for lu-- oh" the sight that greeted him and the other five men had them all taking in sharp breaths.

Taehyung was sitting there shirtless, casually eating some fried chicken and playing with his phone. But this wasn't out of normal.

What was out of normal was Seokjin sitting across Taehyung, wearing nothing but a black thong and an oversized white shirt which was half open and squirming on his seat.

"What..." Jimin trailed off when Seokjin suddenly gasped, heading falling down and knocking against the table, "Wow."

"Isn't this technically cheating?" Yoongi was the first to speak clearly and move towards the table. He gently patted Seokjin's hair, "You know how much Hyung likes to be watched."

"If you think it's cheating, you can take your lunch and eat it in your room", Taehyung grinned mischievously. Of course no one was going to miss the live porn, even if they thought he was cheating.

"Which one is it?" Hoseok asked, sitting beside the eldest. Up close, he can see little tremors shaking Seokjin's body. His face was pink and tears coated the blushing cheeks. With how dazed and hooded his eyes were, Hoseok guessed they have been at it for a while.

"Three egg vibrators", Taehyung answered, picking up his phone again. Seokjin whined when he saw that, hips jumping when the younger started playing with the vibration levels. He moaned high pitched when Taehyung suddenly turned it to the highest level.

"S-stop", Seokjin begged, feeling himself soak through the sheer and thin piece of black clothing, "Too much--ah!"

Taehyung giggled and brought the vibrations to a medium. His eyes went over the other members who were not really eating their fried chicken but instead staring at Seokjin like he was the most delicious meal.

Which he was. For them. And for the people reading this.

"Does it feel good, Hyung?" Taehyung asked loudly. Under the table, his feet crawled up Seokjin's legs, rubbing the soft skin in circles, "Do you like that everyone is watching you moaning and squirming for me?"

Seokjin buried his face in the cross of his arms. His whines were muffled but loud enough to be heard and make his cheeks redder with humiliation. When Hoseok cooed beside him and pinched his ear softly, Seokjin choked on a moan.

"Are you recording this?" Yoongi asked, biting in his food absentmindedly. He knew how much Seokjin liked when they would ignore him and converse casually, as if having Seokjin squirming on the chair as pleasure coursed through his veins was nothing out of normal.

"Mm yeah", Taehyung chewed the small piece of meat, suddenly increasing the vibrations to high. Seokjin yelped and knocked his knees against the table, crying out when Taehyung didn't decrease the level, "I thought it'll be nice to record him like this."

"T-Taehyung", Seokjin's voice was raw and pleading, moist eyes peeking from over his arms, "Please!"

But the younger ignored him, looking down at his phone as if it was the most interesting thing. Seokjin whined in frustration and knocked his head against his arms, hips moving back and forth on the chair, trying to get some sort of friction.

"Wow hyung, being so shameless in front of everyone?", Taehyung mocked, feet crawling up to Seokjin's thigh. He suppressed a groan when he was met with warm liquid, "You really are a slut, huh."

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