Kidnapped Izuku

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Summary: Izuku is a quirkless boy that runs a cafe. Although he seems really weak and fragile, he is actually really dangerous and could knock someone out within seconds. He doesn't go to U.A. because he has more important things (like the cafe) he has gotten multiple degree's so he's set on knowledge and he is very liked within the community. He is nice to anyone he meets and tries to help anyway he can. No many people know he can kick someone's ass tho. He also friends with Katsuki.

It was a couple day's after the start of the school year started, Kacchan had told Izuku they were going to the USJ today. So Izuku was just going for his morning walk before opening up his cafe. He had been really bored lately, nothing interesting was happening. He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly a misty portal seemed to appear. A man that was standing near suddenly grabbed him and dragged him into the mist. He didn't fight back, he wanted to know where this would go. He was dragged into the purple mist and suddenly landed on cold wood floors.

Izuku looked around and noticed he was in a bar and there seemed to be five people that surrounded him. 'Ooh this is fun' Izuku thought to himself. He hadn't been kidnapped in a while.

"Hi!" Izuku greeted, he went to shake there hand but noticed his hands were tied.

As soon as he spoke all eyes darted to him, the looks on their faces was pure confusion.

"My names Izuku! What's your name?" Izuku asked, they just stared at him.

"You realise you were just kidnapped right?" The one with dusted blue hair questioned.

"Yeah I guessed. Why do you ask?" Izuku blinked.

"You know what never mind." He sighed.

"Should we gag him?" One of the others asked.

"No, we're using him as a hostage they need to know he's there." The blue haired one answered, 'so he's the leader?' Thought Izuku. 'Wait, hostage?'

"Wait what's happening?" Izuku asked.

"We're going to kill All Might with our biologically engineered weapon!" The leader answers.

"Should you really have told him? What if he gets out?" One of the lackeys says after the fact.

"He won't be able to escape. And if he did. Who would listen to a quirkless boy?" He answered. 'Oh so he did his research, but it seems not a lot.'

"Anyway we should leave soon." The leader announced.

One of the lackeys grabs Izuku and drags him to another portal. And soon he was teleporting to the USJ. When Izuku was teleported he looked around his new surroundings and noticed one: this was USJ, two: That is Kacchan. So he made a very logical move.

"Hey Kacchan!" Izuku shouted getting drawing everyone's attention including the villains.

"Oh for fucks sake" Katsuki muttered under his breathe so no one would hear, unfortunately Kirishima heard and gave him a confused look.

"Look! I got kidnapped again!" Izuku shouted.

"Again!?" Everyone but Katsuki yelled.

Katsuki sighed and rubbed his temple before he decided he wasn't dealing with this shit.

"Well. Good fucking luck with that!" Katsuki yelled.

Everyone just looked at him is disbelief, they knew he was mean, but saying that!?

"Aww really?" Izuku teased.

"Izu, you and I both know I didn't say that to you!" Katsuki stated confusing the class.

"Kacchan you're gonna Ruin the fun" Izuku pouted.

Katsuki just glared at him.

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Ugh fine!" Izuku groaned.

Within a couple second the hand and mist guy were down. The students just stood there in shock.

The villains seemed to get there baring first and began charging at Izuku.
Soon Izuku was surrounded but a pile of unconscious bodies looking bored.

The pro hero's suddenly burst through the door. Izuku bounced up from sitting on the ground and made his way over to Kacchan letting the pro hero's deal with the rest.

"Hey Kacchan!" Izuku greeted this time with free hands to wave.

"Bro That was so manly!" A sudden shout was heard, Izuku turned around to be met with a red head guy with sharp teeth.

"Thank you but It was funner last time." Izuku shrugged. Izuku then turned back to Kacchan. "So what's the number?" Izuku asked.

"15, you've been kidnapped 15 times." Katsuki stated.

"Wait what!?" That class shouted.

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