Chapter 1

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*90 days to go before the wedding~
A day has passed since I asked Applejack's hand in marriage. Of course I left home early today cause I need to tell my family so they can help me with the marriage plans. I first drove to my big brother's house but as soon I told him everything, he immediately yelled one word.
" IDIOT! "

Rd: "Im sorry okay?! It was a dumb idea.." I apologized before seating down beside my brother.

He just sighed and placed his arm around on my shoulders to comfort me.

Rb: "Look, Im happy that my lil sister is getting married soon but.. You and Applejack are still teenagers, you guys are still in college for Celestia's sake.."

Rd: "I know but.. Me and Aj's relationship is falling apart and I know marrying her will fix it.."

Blitz took a deep breath before giving me a warm sincere smile, I smiled back knowing that my brother is literally so emotional that her sister is getting married.

Rb: "You really love her, do you?' He asked with a laugh.

Rd: "Of course I do, Anyways.. I need to go pick some wine and flowers for Applejack later, I just passed by so I can tell you the news." I replied, standing up from the couch and walking towards the door.

Rb: "Ooohh~ a date! Can I join you two?" My brother teasingly said.

Rd: "Your going to be a third wheel." I replied with a laugh.

Rb: "Nah Im dating someone so it can be a double date~"

Rd: "Really? Who is she? Do I know her?"

Rb: "Its a secret, so does that mean we'll do a double later?" He asked while doing those terribly not cute puppy eyes move, I just stick my tongue out to tease him.

Rd: "Its still a no, thanks for the time Blitz." I lastly said, placing my hand on the doorknob.

But before I twist it, my brother asked me a question which made me even more nervous.

Rb: Did you tell mom and Dad that your getting married?"

I sighed and moved my head 'no' to answer his question. He giggled softly as he stood up from the couch and approaching me with open arms which freaked me out as heck.

Rb: "Im so proud of you Dash! I cant believed you got married first.. I think im gonna cry~" He yelled in joy as he pulls me into a tight hug.

Rd: "Geez social distancing you moron!" I yelled back while trying to push him away from me but he was too danm strong.

Rb: "But Im just so happy!" He yelled again with a slightly broken voice.

Rd: "Your still a goofball in a big body, as usual."

We both laughed as he finally releases me from the tight hug. But when our laughs slowly fades, he faced me with a warm smile.

Rb: 'You need to tell our parents.."

Rd: "I know Im planning on it.. Im just waiting for the right time I guess.."

Rb: "Im sure they'll understand, you want me to talk to them?" He sincerely said with a smile.

Rd: "Nah I can do it, thanks Blitz." I replied, stepping out of his house.

He smiled and waved goodbye to me before closing the door. I then walked to my car and drove to the market.

While driving towards the market, I kept on recalling what happened last night. While me and the girls celebrated my proposal to Applejack, my phone repeatedly rang notification sounds but I ignored it at the time.

But when I checked my phone later that night, I saw 99+ messages from my online secret admirer. She was asking about me and Aj's marriage, how did she know were getting married? But I just closed my phone without replying back to her cause I was slightly drunk at the time.

When I got to the market, I parked my car before entering the massive place filled with crowds of people everywhere.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket which made me stop from walking, so I took it and saw a message from my lover.


Aj: "where are you sugarcube?"

Rd: "Im just buying something for you.~"

Aj: "Aww~ I already miss you, my fiancée."

Rd: "I love it when you call me that~ anyways, I'll be there at 3 okay?"

Aj: "Okay, be safe sugarcube, love ya."

Rd: "Love you too Aj."


After replying to Applejack, I hid my phone back at my pocket before walking around the massive place while looking for the wine shop.

Rd: "Okeh.. Im lost." I said to myself, glancing around the place but the stalls were covered by a crowd surrounding it.

I just sighed and started to ask for directions from the workers there, they told me the direction so I thanked them afterwards.

Minutes later, I sighed in relief as soon I saw the wine shop next to a flower shop stall. I then entered the shop and bought 3 bottles of wines that was less alcoholic so Aj wont get angry at me again.

After I bought the wine, I moved to the next stall to buy a small bouquet of colorful yet beautiful flowers just like Applejack.

Rd: "Here ya go." I happily said, giving my payment to the seller.

But when I took the flowers, I saw a glimpse of a familiar girl that walked beside me.

My eyes widened in shock so I immediately turned around and saw the girl with the purple hair walking away.

Rd: "No way.. That cant be her. I must be imagining things, but I cant be too sure." I thought to myself, picking up my stuff and following her.

Her strange attire, the way she walks, her familiar purple curly hair..

That cant be her.. Right?

When the girl unexpectedly stopped walking, I took a deep breath before reaching out my hand to touch her shoulder so she can turn around for me to see her face.

But before I could even do it, a man suddenly hits my hand, followed by a crowd which covered my sight to the mysterious familiar girl.

Rd: "Hey watch it! " I gasped at the man.

But as soon the crowd walked away, the purple haired girl was..


That cant be her.. I must have drank too much wine last night, but still.. She's still in jail so she couldn't possibly be here.


*Boom, chapter 1 done. Im sorry if the story is boring or short~

Thanks for reading my book 🤗❤️

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