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  "Where are going, uncle?" I asked, looking out the taxi window.

     This was the day I was supposed to arrive at the Kingsman estate as a trainee, and yet we were pulling up to the police station.

      "I'm searching for my second candidate, (Y/N)."

     Harry got out of the car, closed the door, and told the driver the Kingsman estate's location, before waiting for someone to come out of the station.

   I saw a glimpse of a young man in baggy, cool clothes come out before the car drove away and turned the street.

     I was the first one in the trainee room, so I set my bag down next to a middle bed, and started to unpack my things. I stripped down my sweater, leaving me in a white tank top, and camouflage sweatpants. The top showed a little bit of cleavage, but it was comfortable to wear while training.

   I rested my hands on my hips, and inspected the rest of the room. I was already bored out of my mind, so I decided to do some reps, I had about five years of training to catch up on after all.

    I was midway through my pushups when other trainees started filling in. "Nice of you guys to finally show up." I yelled. A few of them laughed, some looked away shyly, but most stared at me suspiciously. Most looked like stuck-up rich kids, which I had gotten used to growing up in my father's luxury, but it was strange nevertheless. Like a past life, or a dream.

     A girl sauntered over and smiled. "Hi, I'm Roxanne, but you can call me Roxy," She had light brown, almost blonde hair, maybe even ginger I wasn't sure, straight and silky, brown eyes, and a cute face.

     I stood and offered her my hand. "Cool, I'm (Y/N)." We shook hands, but I didn't bother striking up a conversation.

     It was then that the young man from earlier showed up as well. He didn't have much on him, and it didn't look like he knew what to do.

    He had brown hair cut short under a cap, and a height of 5'10-ish. He had a good build, and a sort of street stagger, which put me at ease once I knew I wasn't the only one. He had a nice jawline, and a handsome face in general. His brown eyes found mine, and the corners of his lips seemed to turn upward in a small smile.

     I didn't have a chance to say hello before a man with a bald head, glasses, and carrying a clipboard walked into the room.

   "Fall in." He said, and we took our positions. "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Merlin. You're about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world."

   For the most part the trainees were cool and calm, but I could already spot the ones fidgeting uneasily.

   "Two, and only two of you, will become the next Lancelot and Guinevere." Merlin continued. He walked over to a bed, and picked up an empty body bag. "Can anybody tell me what this is?"

   I raised my hand along with Roxy and a couple others, but the boy next to me got picked instead. He had a sharp nose, decent jawline, styled hair, and pressed clothes. I knew right away that he would be the alpha of the stuck-ups.

     "Yes?" Merlin asked him.

     "Bodybag, Sir." The boy replied quickly.

      "Correct." Merlin praised. "Charlie, isn't it?"

        "Yes, Sir." He had a smug smile on his face as he shot me a wink. I rolled my eyes, seemly uninterested.

         "Good." Merlin turned to the bodybag once more. "In a moment, you will each collect a bodybag. You will write your name on that bag. You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag." I held back a laugh. I guess I would just leave it blank. "This represents the acknowledgment of the risks that you are about to face, as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally, if you break, will result in you, and your next of kin being in that bag." He paused, to let his words sink into the trainees. "Is that understood?"

The Experiment (Kingsman Eggsy x Reader)[1]Where stories live. Discover now