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       "Fuck, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Roxy panicked.

      I held onto the strap of my parachut as we prepared to be dropped out of an airplane. My nerves were jittery, and I could barely contain the adrenaline rush I knew was coming. Nervous, but excited. Nerited? Excivous?

        "What, don't like heights?" Eggsy teased.

        "Yeah, it's okay. I've done it before, which is probably why, come to think if it." Roxy breathed out quickly.

           Eggsy smiled. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. You're top of class."

           "You got this, Roxy!" I cheered.

         "Listen up. Your mission is to land in the target without the radar detecting you. If I read you on the radar or you miss the target, you go home." Merlin's voice blasted from the speakers. "Is that understood? Drop zone coming up, 20 seconds."

       "We got to go." Eggsy reminded Roxy.

       I squeezed her shoulder for assurance. "It'll be fun, Roxy." I said, trying to convince myself as well.

          All of the other recruits stood and got pumped up, about to jump.

        "Eggsy, I really don't think I can do this." Roxy confided quietly.

         "Of course you can't." Charlie laughed. "Head to the back and I'll show you how, yeah?"

          I made my way over to stand beside him, and he hurriedly shot me a flirty wink. I smiled back innocently. The light overhead turned green and beeped, and just as Charlie prepared himself to jump, I put a hand on his back and pushed him.

          "HEEeeeyyy." I heard him yell on the way down.

        The two other recruits jumped after him, so that there was just Eggsy, Roxy, and I left. The others whooped and cheered from the air.

         "Eggsy! (Y/N), wait! Hang on!" Roxy pleaded.

          "Roxy, just stop fucking about! Follow me, yeah?" Eggsy answered, leaning back out of the plane and hollering. "Come on! Roxy, it's now or never. Jump!" Eggsy said over the radio.

         Roxy snapped her gaze up to me for aid.

       I shrugged nonchalantly. "We all believe in you, Rox. You're basically the best amongst us. I know you can overcome this."

       Roxy nodded, and nervously took the leap of faith. I smiled, walked to the edge of the plane, and backflipped into the air. I pulled my limbs tight to my body to catch up with the other as they all chilled in the sky.

        "Good girl, Rox, I'm glad you made it!" Eggsy cheered. "And of course it wouldn't have been a party without (Y/N)."

            His eyes caught mine and we both grinned.

         Everyone whooped and cried in joy, showing off their flips and tricks.





          "Come on!"

           I did a double front flip that had all my blood rushing to my brain as I laughed with the others.

         "My, my, you're all very cheerful. Did you really think it would be that straightforward?" Merlin asked over the radio. "Any idiot can read a heads-up display. A Kingsman needs to be able to solve problems under pressure. Like what to do when one of your group has no parachute." I heard Merlin chuckle to himself.

The Experiment (Kingsman Eggsy x Reader)[1]Where stories live. Discover now