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"What do you think our next task will be?" I asked, stuffing my hands further into my hoodie pockets. "Think it'll be difficult?"

"That's the point, innit?" Eggsy laughed, bumping his elbow against mine as we continued down the street.

The sun was going down and we were heading back to UKHQ.

I frowned, reaching over to take his hand in mine. "It's gonna be either us or you and Roxy."

"Or you and Roxy." Eggsy pointed out.

I laughed, looking up into his eyes. Immediately I knew something was bothering him. "Everything alright?"

"Remember what I told before, love?" Eggsy confided, slowing his pace to match mine. "About how I worried one day I'll be given a choice and then I'll make the wrong decision?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"I have a bad feeling about this next task."

I bumped my shoulder into his. "Relax, Eggsy. I know you're going to do what you think is right, and you have a good heart. Whatever you think is right is going to be right."

He grinned. "And you? Something's been bothering you ever since we got fitted for our suits, love."

I shook my head. "I just.... well, to put it plainly, I think Valentine's assistant killed my sister, (S/n)."

Eggsy blinked and tilted his head as if asking if he had heard that properly. "Why's that?"

"Her prosthetic legs. Didn't you notice that thin blade of metal in them?" I said, dropping my voice to a whisper. "Harry told me the weapon that decapitated (S/n) was a long thin blade, and that by the force and impact, the weapon either had to be wielded by two hands, or by a leg."

"Yeah, but that piece of metal in her prosthetic didn't look that long, love."

I grimaced. "There.... t-there must be a way to retract it."

"We'll get her then." Eggsy promised, squeezing my hand.

I beamed gratefully. "Thanks, Eggsy."

"Hey, whatever happens tomorrow, promise that we'll stick together. No matter who becomes a Kingsman and who doesn't, alright?" Eggsy asked.

"Promise." I smirked.

Eggsy took a deep breath in of the cool evening breeze, before he clicked his tongue and said, "You think Roxy would mind if we fuck tonight?"

"Yes, Eggsy." I giggled. "She probably will."

"Fine, then, I'll just have to settle for a race, yeah?"

My eyes widened as he took off running. "H-hey! Wait!" I threw my head back and cackled crazily, before joining him.

"Merlin said you wanted to see me, sir?" I asked Percival, the Kingsman who proposed Roxy, as I walked into his small office with (D/N) by my side.

"Take a seat, (Y/N)" The man smiled.

I gracefully lowered myself into the armchair opposite of his. (D/N) curled up by me feet, keeping their head held high, ears twitching eagerly to hear a command leave my mouth. I smiled and ran a soft hand over their head.

"Poor dog." Percival said pitifully. "What's their name?"

"(D/N)." I answered. "And I don't think they're very poor anymore. I mean, seriously, I wouldn't want to get between them and dinner."

Percival grinned, and crossed his leg over the other. "You've truly been doing amazing, (Y/N). Your sister would surely be proud."

"You knew her?"

He nodded his head. "Who didn't? As much as I am ashamed to admit, almost everyone, including me, had a bit of a crush on her." He blushed.

I laughed. "It's alright. She had that effect on people."

Percival smiled again, and we slipped into a comfortable silence, until he reached for the pistol on the other side of him. "It's loaded." He said, before handing it to me.

I grinned. "Sweet, we finally get guns."

Coughing awkwardly, he pointed at (D/N). "Shoot the dog."

"What?" I cried, looking at the him in disgust.

"Shoot the dog." Percival repeated, all friendliness gone from his voice.

"Y-you... you can't be serious."

"Shoot. The. Dog."

My heart was beating so hard I thought it would break through my rib cage. I aimed the pistol down at (D/N). They couldn't see the gun, but they squirmed slightly at its smell.

My breath stopped in my lungs and my vision was beginning to blur from my lack of blinking as I stared at (D/N)'s cloudy eyes. They pawed at my leg as if asking, are you alright?

I let a gust of air escape my nostrils as I pursed my lips. For Kingsman. Do it for Kingsman; do it for (S/n). Do it for yourself.

And yet as I kept on looking at (D/N) all I saw was (S/n), and Amelia, and Lancelot; people who had already died for Kingsman.

(D/N) tilted their head, waiting for me to do what I intended to do.

A fucking stray. Weak, blind, and frail. Like me. Like I was.

"No." I whispered. I blinked, cleared my throat and said louder, "No. I fucking won't do it."

Percival shook his head, and reached over to take the pistol from my shaking grip. "I'm disappointed, (Y/N). (S/n) would've—"

"I'm not (S/n)!" I screamed, whipping around to face the agent. The words left my mouth in a burst of rage, but as I let them sink in I knew I was right. Why was I trying to be like her? To avenge her? To turn my life around?

I could do both of those things without Kingsman, because Kingsman goes killing people and dogs left and right.

Suddenly there was the sound of a bullet being fired from somewhere not very far away in the estate, and I knew that at least one of us made it.

"Go home, (Y/N)." Percival sighed.

I brought (D/N) into my arms, and walked out of the HQ. My head was spinning, and all I could think about was, did I make the right decision?


I turned around to Eggsy coming out of the estate with JB in his hands. He didn't need to tell me, his face said it all.

"You too?" I sighed.

He gestured to the taxi in front of us, and I nodded, settling (D/N) in the back seat with JB.

The Experiment (Kingsman Eggsy x Reader)[1]Where stories live. Discover now