Chapter 7

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Dream had, of course, lied.  He didn't want Cross to worry too much.  Despite being continually reasured that Dream was alright, Cross had stayed with him all day and even asked to stay the night.  Dream had let him, not minding the company as he moved through AUs, making sure that Nightmare wasn't doing anything bad.  Once he had made sure, Dream and Cross went back to the Star Sanses base.  Dream made some food while Cross popped a movie in for them to watch.  Bringing two plates of food, Dream handed one to Cross and sat next to him as the movie started, eating his own food.

Halfway through the movie, Cross had finished his food and wrapped an arm around Dream, who curled into him, comfortable with his warmth.  The two stayed like that, Dream eventually falling asleep a bit after finishing his food.


In his sleep, Dream felt the warmth shift.  He felt himself being carried somewhere, then the warmth of a blanket covering him.  A thought entered his mind.

"Cross doesn't care about you."

Dream wanted to fight it.  He hadn't felt the comfort of Cross sitting or laying next to him.  Could he fight the thought?

"Blue doesn't want to see you."

He hadn't visited in a while.  While they still talked sometimes, Blue also didn't have the best transportation.  Was that a lie?

"Ink's too obsessed with Error to notice you."

Ink had been hanging out with Error a lot.  Then again, people that were in love tended to hang out a lot.  Or was them loving each toher just a cover story?

"The only one that cares is Nightmare."

How could Nightmare care?  He wanted Dream dead so he could take over with his negativity.  Or was he denying Cross freedom because he didn't want Dream to get hurt?

"Either turn to him or just give up."

Dream had a mix of emotions.  He wanted to give up, but he knew he had to keep going.  If he gave up, he didn't know what would happen to him or the multiverse.  At the same time, if he gave up, then he wouldn't have to worry about the multiverse anymore, right?  He closed his eyes in his dream and thought.  The decision was a bit tough, though he didn't have to make it.

He was being shaken awake by someone.  He opened an eye and saw Cross standing over him.  Blue was behind him with a bowl of soup.

"Cross... is something wrong...?"

"No... you're sick, but you've been asleep for a while... it's dinner so I called Blue to help get you medicine and stuff..."

Dream sat up and gently took the soup from Blue, starting to eat it.

"Well thank you..."

"Anything for you..."

Blue went and got some medicine and a cup of water while Cross waited for Dream to eat his soup.  As soon as Dream had taken the medicine and stuff, Cross let him change into pajamas and tucked him in.

"C-can you stay, Cross...?"

Cross gently laid down next to him and held the quickly falling asleep skeleton, "Yes, I can..."

He didn't care what Nightmare said.  Dream needed him and he'd take any punishment Nightmare had for him to help him.

When Siblings Can't Share(Finding Love II: Cream)Where stories live. Discover now