Chapter 11

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Dream woke up in an unfamiliar bed inside a familiar house.  He knew this house as Error and Ink's.  The door opened and Error stepped in, holding something for Dream to eat.  He set it down on the nightstand.

Dream watched him, "Why am I here...?"

"In-Ink brought you her-re.  You're in-n more dan-dan-danger while your sick-ck and, with s-some of the rec-ecent news-s we manag-ag-aged to get, we figu-ured you'd be saf-afer here."


Dream didn't get the answer when the front door slammed open and Ink called out, "Error!"

Error immediately went to see what was happening.  Dream stood, careful not to hurt himself, and picked up the food.  He started to eat slowly as he left the room, going to see what they commotion was.  The plate almost dropped and shattered when he got to the living room.  Ink had laid Cross, who was injured, down on the couch.  Breathing heavily, Ink leaned against Error, who was freaking out a bit at the fact that Ink's arm had been snapped off at the elbow.  The smaller skeleton's arm was currently in Error's hands.

He was trying to reattach it but seemed to struggle with the way he was glitching.  Setting the plate down on the coffee table, Dream went over to them, carefully putting the arm back in it's place and healing it, making sure it wouldn't fall apart while they took care of Cross.  Dream noticed a crack in the back of Ink's skull but decided to leave it at the rainbow skeleton sat against a wall, still breathing heavily and clutching his arm, even though it was alright.  Error had started working on Cross' wounds, seeing as Dream had Ink handled, and Dream soon joined him, using his healing magic to heal some of the injuries.  Soon, Cross was bandaged and still asleep.  Dream picked his food up and continued eating as Error wrapped Ink's arm.  The smaller skeleton leaned against the glitchy one, glad to be in his embrace.

"Ink-k... what hap-ap-apened...?"

"Nightmare... he snapped my arm for taking Cross... my skull..."

Ink set a hand against his head and Error took a closer look to see that it was cracked and bleeding slightly.

"Shh... you-ou'll be alright..." he motioned for Dream to come over.  Dream paused his eating and healed Ink's skull, glad that they were alright.

Dream's voice was soft when he spoke, "Just sleep, Ink... you'll be better when you wake up..."

Ink nodded slightly and closed his eyes, drifting asleep against Error, who was still holding him close on the floor.  Dream moved and sat down in a chair, looking at the scene while he finished eating.  Going to the kitchen, he put the plate in the sink and went back to the living room, sitting down in the chair and soon going back to sleep.

"Dream..." Nightmare's voice was the only thing he could hear.

"Why did you do that to them...?" Dream's voice was quiet, scared.

"Because, I was protecting you.  Cross merely pities you.  He insulted you and even dared to threaten you.  I took drastic measures and, when Ink tried to save him, it showed neither of them were really on your side.  Please, do not stay around them anymore.  For me."

"But... how can I forgive you for what you've done...?"

"It's your choice to forgive me.  Do not feel forced.  Just know I am here to protect you."

Dream kind of nodded and the voice left, leaving Dreams to whatever thoughts filled his head.

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