Got To Let You Know

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Tbh my chapters are too short

Lucas's pov

Maya and I walked into the  janitor's closet.  Maya tried to run away but I stoped her. She tried to get around me but I blocked her again. She realized she wasn't going any where. She really didn't want to hear what I had to say, but she had to listen. She just had to. Then I explained,

"Maya, I remebered what you said about Brandon, and about all those rumors, and those strangers. I realized that all these things happened when we were together. I'm really sorry abou what I said but I didn't want you getting suspious. I stopped talking to all my stupid friends who were cheering and stole my phone to spread the news,"

"Look, you hurt me. I've never been so hurt. But when we were together I never felt so loved. You made me feel so Many feelings. No one could ever hurt me so bad."

Maya's pov

 He really wanted me to hear him. Not only did I hear but I also listened. I looked at him not missing a word he had to say. He was protecting me. He said some hurtful things though. Is that what he really thought? I have so many questions running through my head. Why did he need to tell me this? Let him explain I kept thinking. I really understood. But did he understand that none of those things were his fault? Did he understand that those things would have happened anyways?

"I understand that what Riley said was rude and Farkle took her side,but, think you should know that thet are still your friends and they are yours. I can't keep going on letting you belive a lie, that I think you make everthing about yourself. I can't keep letting you think that I wanted to break up with you."

        " Lucas I... I love... "

And without another word he leaned in. I was the happiest I've been in days. I know that I love him. He tried to protect me. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me!

She's breaking (Laya/Lucaya)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin