New Beginnings IV

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New Beginnings IV: Uninvited Guest

Kokichi sat uncomfortably on a wooden baby chair with a small bib as Byakuya and Celestia pleasantly sat on either side of the table in comfortable silence (for them at least, Kokichi was silently suffering). This was one of the days when neither parent was busy with something to do, eating lunch like any normal family yet feels foreign to Kokichi. She wasn't used to having both parents eating peacefully at one table, so of course, it was awkward!

The sound of the silverware clattering against the plate as they ate their roasted beef, baked potatoes, and salad with a hint of garnish. The nearby maid, which she does not know nor care for, places a metal tray down. Kokichi stared down at her meal, looking at the disgrace of what she calls a proper meal, it makes Kokichi whimper in envy. Carrot mush again?! How dare she not have some of the beef! Curse her teeth for not developing fully yet! Smelling something she could not eat is peer torture!

Sighing in defeat, Kokichi lifted the spoon to her mouth, catching most of the carrot mush in her mouth before smacking her lips. Kokichi frowned in annoyance as some of the remains of the soup are dripping off of her mouth. She then gagged, carrots are disgusting! Absolutely filthy! The mush is going to make her puke! She is sick of this!

Celestia, her lips slightly lifted upward, smiles as she watched the cute expressions on the baby change from surprise, annoyance, then disgust. She watched as the baby pushed the tray away from her in Celestia's worry. Was the meal not tasty for her little princess? "What's wrong, love?'" Celestia asked. She smiles as she wipes the baby's mouth with a handkerchief, causing the baby to blink at the raven-haired woman in curiosity. To Celestia's disbelief, the soup looked unprepared, something commoners will eat from the back alleyways near the rats.

Celestia picks up her spoon, scooping up some of her potatoes, and lifted it up before the infant. "Try this Love," she cooed, before letting the baby taste the potatoes before the baby's face lit up. "Delicious isn't it?" The little one nods her head, silently chanting for more.

"She likes it." Byakuya says in amusement, "Maid, replace Kokichi's meal with mushed potatoes immediately." He ordered sternly, the arua of the dining room changed as the maid trembled in her place.

"O-of course, my lord." The maid compiled before quickly taking Kokichi's meal and scurrying out of the dining hall. Kokichi couldn't help but smirk as she watched the girl leave. Hah! That is what you get for feeding me that crap! Suck it!

"Just what were the cooks thinking of feeding her that filth," Celestia says with a disbelieving tone, clearly annoyed with the workers. "It was atrocious, the soup smelled moldy and old," Celestia complained to her husband.

"Don't worry, Celeste. I'll talk with them after this is over." Byakuya said, making Kokichi lift her eyebrows. Kokichi couldn't tell if he was going to fire them or kill them. Maybe both, she wasn't too sure. Celestia nods, seemingly satisfied with the answer that Byakuya gave her before making a sip of wine.

With a new plate of food, Kokichi digs into the delicious food, humming in delight. The maid sighed in relief as she watched the baby happily eat her food without puking it out. Celestia nods in approval as Byakuya motions her to leave. Thankful she didn't die today, she quickly leaves.

Somehow, Kokichi wonders what would have happened if she did puke? Ah, her sadistic side of her wonders what could have happened to her as she eats her meal. Those bastards in the kitchen, always feeding her poisoned carrot mush. One day, she thinks, she'll get payback by puking in front of her parents. She grins, oh the joy of watching the aftermath. It will be glorious.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a light pinch on the cheek, she growls. Hey lady, I'm trying to eat here! Do you mind?! Celestia smiles in amusement, "You are a wonder to the world." She said fondly, "You will grow up to become someone great."

(Hiatus) "Princess, May I?" || Fem!Kokichi x HaremWhere stories live. Discover now