Cry baby

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melonys Pov

I woke up to my alarm going off and I took a really quick shower I wasn't allowed more then 15 minute showers because my sisters need it more I got and got dressed i put my blonde and pink hair in to ponytails and walked down the stairs to be met with a punch to the forehead i stumbled back wards and heard giggles come from my sister's I stood up and heard my "dad" say

Aw why isint the cry baby crying he Asked

I rolled my eyes and my dad pushed me to the ground and yelled Answer Me now

I don't know i said

Well I guess I'm just gonna have to make you know he said

As he pushed me to the ground and started to kick me then this weird feeling of darkness clicked in my head as I grabbed a knife and slit my father's throat and my mother screamed so I walked over and stabbed her in the side 10 times and watched as she fell over I went over to my sisters and cut both of there throats I smiled and walked to school with the knife in my bag it only takes me about 5 min to get there so as I was arriving my bully's were all in the front of the school and started to yell "cry baby" "cry baby" I rolled my eyes and threw the knife at the main girl and pulled it out and cut all there throats I giggled this was starting to feel good I walked farther into the school and started to kill random chearleaders when I heard sirens outside I giggled

And said well ladys and gentlemen I think that's my ride

I walked outside and threw the knife and hopped in the back seat of the cop car as I heard "well that was easy" and we drove off to the police station they put me in a questioning room I sat and waited and waited when the door opened and two men walked in one

Said hi I'm detective gordan and we're just gonna ask you some questions

Ok I giggled and looked at them looking at eachother confused

I smiled and waited as detective gordan cleared his throat and looked down at the chart and said

Well miss melony why did you kill your parents

Oh well they were abusive and toxic and a total ticking time bomb so I slit there throats I giggled

He looked at me weird and said well why did you kill your sisters

I rolled my eyes and said they were annoying

Well why did you kill those people in the front of the school he asked

They were bully's I said and giggled

Well why did you kill the people in the hallway he asked seriously

I started laughing and I litterly couldn't control my self I was laughing and then I went serious and said they were just around and I was feeling the rush... you know  and giggled

Welp... Insane asylum the man standing said

Yep detective gordan said

I giggled and yelled the loony Ben so funnnn

They handcuffed me and started the drive to my new home untill I'm "Better" aigan

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