the man in the yellow raincoat

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So this is a story that happened to my mom's friend in Korea about like 10 years ago. Every time I hear this story, I still get the chills.

My mom's friend lived in an apartment complex in Seoul. She was a stay-at-home mother with a young daughter, and her husband worked during the days. One day, she was coming home from running errands with her daughter and got onto the elevator in her building. When she got on, she noticed that there was a man wearing a cap and a yellow raincoat, and he kept his head low so that she couldn't really see his face. She immediately felt really uneasy, and she made her daughter stand to her side, furthest away from the man. What made her feel even more uncomfortable was that when she pressed the button for her floor, there was no other lit number. And on top of that, she noticed that he was carrying something wrapped inside newspaper close to his side.

Things started to click in my mom's friend's head and she started to panic and decided to take out her cell phone and pretend she was calling home to her husband, who was obviously really not at home and at work. She started saying things like "Oh, I'm on the elevator and about to get off. Can you get the door for me?" and making it seem like her husband was waiting at home.

When the elevator did reach her floor (I think she lived on like the 12th floor or something) she quickly got off and grabbed her daughter and started to walk as fast as she could to her apartment. She noticed that the man also got off on her floor and was slowly following her down the hallway. When my mom's friend got to her door, she started to bang on it and shout, "Hey, yeobo (husband/dear), I'm home! Please open the door!" And kind of pretended like he was coming to answer the door. Upon seeing this, the man in the yellow raincoat started to walk away back towards the elevator.

When he seemed to be far away enough, my mom's friend quickly picked up her daughter and slid open her door's passcode thingy (this is usually how people get into their homes in Korea) and started to frantically punch in her keycode. But the problem was that the buttons would make sounds so the man knew that no one was going to answer the door for her and he turned around and started to run back towards her. My mom's friend, at this point, was practically screaming and when she finally got her door to open, the first thing she did was throw her daughter in through the door. When she got in herself, she saw that the man was pretty much inches from the door, but she managed to shut it and lock it before he could wedge his hand or weapon into the door. Afterwards, looking through the door's peep hole, she saw that the man was walking away back towards the elevator.

Several months later, my mom's friend was watching the news and there was a coverage on the capture of a serial killer named Yoo Young Chul who used to kill a lot of prostitutes. She told my mom that she could never forget the dread she felt when she saw the too familiar yellow raincoat and hat that he was wearing when apprehended.

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