Genesis: Myth

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The wind rustled through the canopied leaves as the two figures stood before me. The soft rattle of scales filled the now-tense silence as I lowered my head towards the male, lips parted as a snarl raced through the back of my throat.

Humans this far into the forest? You've got to be kidding me. These people must be complete idiots. The Druid stared up at me in mild boredom and curiosity.

"A dragon."

No fucking duh. I snapped my head up as he released a snarl of his own, pushing the brunette to the side. The girl looked to be astonished and rigid, but with fear? I couldn't be sure as she pulled her face into a stoic-expression. These two were odd and weren't fleeing as other humans usually do.

"Kagin!" The girl hissed, grabbing the half-elf by the back of his shirt. "Don't pick fights with dragons! We need to leave!"

That would be the smartest idea. I've already killed once today. I stepped forward as he ignored his companion. He looked straight up at me with a look that startled me. My wings flared behind me as his form shifted to that of a black lion. His eyes were now fully crimson as he glared up at me with an unwavering determination.

He wants a fight? Odd. I lowered my wings before swinging my head forward, teeth bared. Tendrils of black smoke curled from my jaw as a burning heat began to grow at the back of my tongue. A low hissing sound vibrated through the air as the creatures that I shared the forest with seemed to grow still, waiting for the battle looming over their heads. Something stopped the white fire that burned in my core. The lion spoke, his voice now holding a graveled and rough edge.

"Katsai, I don't believe this is a full-blown dragon."

I froze as the lion and I continued to stare off, the short girl that stood to the side repeating my thoughts.


With the tip of his tail, the lion pointed to my back legs where a leather bracelet curled around my right ankle-joint. An orange orb was held neatly in place, polished to a fine glow with the silhouette of a broken wing glaring at the broad daylight. With a quick motion of my tail, I quickly hid the piece of jewelry from view, but it was too late.

The brunette took a cautious step forward, looking up at me with peaked interest.

"A Holder. That's what you are?" She looked between the lion and me before something seemed to light up in her mind. Her facial features tightened as she looked up at me with an anxious but furious glare.

"You wouldn't be working for him, would you?!" Her voice was laced with pure venom as she took a step back, raising her left hand as if prepared to fight.

Him? What is she on about? And why are these two not running away? I looked to the side before opening my mouth, smoke flying from my jaw straight into the air. The lion, who I've determined to be called by the name of Kagin, gazed at the brunette before speaking again.

"I don't think they work for Galterius, Kat." I stiffened.

Galterius?! Why are they talking about him?! What has that disgusting bastard done now?! I whipped my head back towards them causing the girl to jump. I snapped my right wing out as my talons stomped at the ground, nearly knocking the poor girl over.

"Galterius?!" I rumbled, shocking both of them as my low tone echoed through the forest. "Why are the two of you in these woods and how do you know Galterius?!"

The girl let out a little squeak as she jumped back from my lashing tail.

"Watch where you swing that! First the vines and now this?!" She shakily stood back up before brushing herself off.

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