Sonorus: Insight

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I looked up at the large building that stood before me. Walls made of cobbled stone and smooth concrete towered over me as the crowds pushed and pulled around me, wary of the iron gate that was in front of me. The bars were made of pure iron that sealed the castle off from the main kingdom.

I gulped as I continued to stare at the great fortress where heavy amounts of guardsmen would patrol daily. Two large men stood by the gate. They wore burly armor made of the finest materials and held weapons that could pierce the thick hide of the barrenbeasts of the plains that surrounded Nilia.

My own armor clanked as I nervously walked up to the guards. The silver coated plates rubbed against each other as the Kong's castle crawled closer with increasing intensity. I was almost to the gate when a hand clamped down on my shoulder. Chills swept up my spine as a squeak of surprise left my throat.

"Where do you think you're going, rookie?" I turned my head to see a familiar face among the strange crowds.

Commander Roker stood behind me in his ceremonial armor that consisted of the royal colors of green and black. He wielded two long swords that hung by his waist and glistened in the harsh sunlight. His strong hand still rested on my shoulder as his haughty laugh boomed across the plaza.

"You know you can't enter through those gates without a senior guard! I told you to wait for me, young long."

"Ah, yeah, about that. I, um, well, a woman ran by me screaming about her runaway spiked rooster and I, well, wandered off to help her?" I muttered nervously, hoping my white lie would somehow appease this strong and terrifying man. I received a rough slap on the back that pushed the air out my lungs. I bent over as he laughed again.

"Well, as long as it was for a noble cause, then I guess disobeying my orders can slide just this once." He pulled his hand back and began to walk towards the gate. I rubbed my back as I started after him.

"Yeah, finding a dumbass chicken is noble..." I mumbled, eyes becoming slits as I thought about it. "I sometimes do not get you, sir."

"Hmm, what was that?"


"Ah, well, look sharp Sonorus for we are about to walk into the King's own abode." He looked over his shoulder to flash a toothy smile which did nothing to calm my nerves.

As we approached the gate, many people behind us stopped to watch. Some had faces of awe and wonder while others held disgruntled and nervous glares that stood in stark contrast to the usual mood of Eowawin's main plaza. Once again, nerves swept up my spine as I looked away from the people and back to the gate. The two guards stared at us inquisitively as if they were studying us and deciding to let us pass.

I stood behind Roker as the two men crossed their spears. The sharp ends glistened in the sunlight as their voices broke through the chattering of the crowds. Stone and emerald eyes met my seaweed green ones as the one of the guards looked to Roker.

"State your business here."

"Oh, you know me, Thorn. The usual audience with the King so if you wouldn't mind me stepping on through..-"

"No can do, sir. We are gonna need you to take your helmet off. King's orders." I frowned, understanding why this man's name was Thorn. Prickly and not fun to touch. Unlike a rose thorn, though, this man was no flower.

"Ah, when did they become so strict?" Roker seemed to pout under his helmet before letting out a defeated sigh. He quickly pulled off his helmet, revealing chestnut locks that were trimmed to hang at one side. A broad and sturdy face gazed down at the lower ranking guardsmen as storm-gray eyes flickered with playfulness.

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