nice to meet you.

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After almost a week and a half without hearing from Black Hole, Tree was beginning to lose hope that he would ever text back.

Which was alright, Black Hole was pretty shy to Tree and Tree wouldn't force him but he felt a bizarre desire to get to know him better, overriding his usual dismissive nature.

Tree's mind kept returning to Black Hole and how he deflected his question about his former hopes after he'd get his degree. It seemed like a touchy subject to him, and Tree was awfully curious. He knew the only way to get an actual answer out of Black Hole would mean spending more time with him, even properly befriending him, and Tree was up for the task.

And, well, if they ended up being together... that would be just fine with him too.

But they would have to get there first.

When Tree's phone dinged in the middle of a particularly dull Friday shift at the garden, he was delighted to see there was no name attached to the number.

He opened the text and was greeted by a picture of a red 93 scrawled on the corner of the page followed by a text that was just several exclamation points.

Tree grinned and replied, Ace!!

< Thanks again. I owe you one

No way, it was my pleasure, Tree typed back.

< I might bring in another set of songs tomorrow

< I'd buy you something cooler but im broke as hell rn

< Also if you know anything about herbs i could use a crash course...

'Course, Tree replied although he'd have to brush up on the subject himself.

< If that means yes could we do Monday after club again?

Sounds fun. Tree agreed. Though he had made some plans on reorganizing the garden a bit during his day off. But, he didn't mind pushing it back.

< cool. See ya then.

Tree smiled and added Black Hole into his contacts, sandwiching his name between a pair of star emojis.

The next Monday, Tree donned his normal turtleneck, he didn't bother bringing his coat as it was slightly warmer that day. He made the quick jaunt to the club.

It was more natural for Tree to sit next to Black Hole, none of the other members questioned it yet which was a relief. He didn't want any rumors to spread about them.

They had discussed ethics and morals on life and death, and how they would act in some situations themselves.

After the club had ended, Black Hole and Tree had excused themselves and stayed in the room. They waved patiently for the other members to leave one by one.

Luckily for Tree, he spent a bit of time the night before while the garden was empty to recollect his memory on herbs and other materials to help out Black Hole.

It felt weird, this motivation to help Black Hole as much as he could. It was beyond the effort Tree usually made to befriend people. Black Hole was pretty alluring after all, pretty in a troubled, naturally chic sort of way. A little strange, maybe, but that only added to the mystique.

There was a different gravitation as well, he supposed, and the tedious text on his screen was proof of that. He wanted to know more about Black Hole, why he looked like he was on a perpetual bender and why his gaze was suspicious and why he had seemed to be warming of Tree both quickly and with an air of wariness, as if he really wanted to be friends but was still reluctant to commit.

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