someone new.

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Monday morning saw Tree lounging in the dorm rooms and watering his succubus plant while harassing his dorm mate over the phone.

"Interested in anyone yet?" Pen asked, mouthful of a sandwich.

"Nope. Dunno why you've been askin me this all of a sudden." Tree eyeballed the amount of water he poured into the pot.

"Poor thing. Your fault, though."

"Oh shut up."

"Why dont you join me in my afterschool fun times? That way, you can finally get a hot babe. And you can see me. Win-win." Pen offered.

Tree snorted. "I wouldnt call it a win. But it might be worth it if I can watch you constantly make an ass of yourself." Tree's phone vibrated against his cheek as he received a text. "Hang on a sec."

"Wow, rude. But take your time. I have nothing better to do."

Tree rolled his eyes and pulled his phone from where it was wedged between his ear and his shoulder carefully so as to not spill any water from the watering can and opened the message from Black Hole.

< hey, im not feeling well, can we hang out some other time?

Tree frowned. Sure. but are u alright?

< im fine. Just got some work to do. Kinda stressed yk?

Okay feel better, lmk if you need anything.

< Thanks

Tree sighed and returned to his call. He'd really been looking forward to seeing Black Hole again and hoped that the fellow space anomaly would be up for something soon.

"Just got bailed on." Tree updated Pen.

"They dodged a bullet."

Tree pouted. "That was mean."

"I know. You interested in em?"

"I don't know yet."

When Black Hole didn't text him on Tuesday or the day after, Tree started to worry.

He'd set him a snap of him flipping off his piles of books and a wide open notebook filled with school work. That evening, he'd asked: feeling better? He was sent back a not really a few minutes later, and that was that.

It was troubling him a little, how unresponsive Black Hole was being. He was sort of a reserved loner, but Tree thought that he'd broken that barrier somewhat, and if Black Hole was sick he couldn't think of a reason why he'd stay completely silent.

Either Black Hole wasn't interested in being friends anymore, or there was something else going on.

Throughout work the next day he pondered what was up, getting a little less work done than normal. He wondered if he should text Black Hole again or give him space, and decided on the latter for now.

Tree's shift normally ended at seven, but the floor was slow that evening so he just decided to leave around five-thirty. He gathered his things and made his way to his car, still lost in thought.

The same chime had rung again as Tree left the garden. He walked around a corner to get to the parking lot near a local hospital, to which he saw a familiar blue aura, to Tree's surprise, Black Hole was found around the corner.

"Hey," Tree said, stepping in.

Black Hole looked over, startled "Oh... hi."

He looked a bit duller than usual, the lamp posts brightened up his face enough to be readable.

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