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Tree's brief ride to the Uni was sweetened by the mild and quiet night.

With the windows down, the breeze was free to touch him, and it felt like April days in Australia. Tree breathed deeply as they whipped through mostly-empty streets.

There was silence, Tree was seen just enjoying the drive. He glanced at the passing houses, arms crossed and his body relaxed against his seat. He thought about the singularity, if he were to be sitting with him he'd have a confident feeling of him smiling, and that made him want to smile as well.

When he was close enough. Tree parked on the road and hopped out to the front of the apartment.

Hope Pen is asleep Tree yawned, his phone vibrated from his pocket. A text from Black Hole was shown, he opened it.

< Btw, thanks for the visit. I really needed that.

Dont mention it. I'm just glad I could help. Tree smiled.

< I'll talk to ya later.

< Night.

Night. Tree replied, unlocking the door to his apartment

Black Hole was not at club the following Monday afterschool.

It dejected him just a little; he'd sort of been anticipating another afternoon study session, although Black Hole had made no mention of a quiz or test. As he waited for the club to slowly settle in, Tree pulled out his phone and sent a snap of an empty desk next to Tree circled in green to Black Hole with the caption, something is missing! :((

He received a reply a few minutes later: Black Hole, face half buried in a pillow with the rest mostly concealed by white bedhead, glaring out at him with one tired eye. What, your respect for the sleeping?

Tree let out a snort of laughter and was granted a condemning look from Liy as he silently set his phone down in guilt.


On Friday, Tree decided to leave the dorm earlier than expected, and it wasn't for work's sake. But he went to visit Black Hole.

Pen had eyed him suspiciously throughout lunch; Tree had been less talkative as he was in the middle of a text conversation with Black Hole about the best steak in Yoyle City. Tree had firmy insisted that his steaks were the best--though it would be better if only he could find a more superior seasoning for his steak than what he usually got from the supermarket.

"Meet someone new?" Pen asked.

"Nah," Tree had replied.

"Black Hole?"



Black Hole contently waited in his living room, listening out for a knock on the door signifying Tree would be there with him. A few minutes of scrolling through his phone, he'd heard a knock coming from the door, he levitated over to answer.

"Hey," huffed Tree. His shoulder seemed occupied by the strap of his bag weighing it down.

"Need any help with that?" Black Hole offered.

"Nah. I got it."

Black Hole opened the door wider to step aside for Tree to walk in then gently shut the door behind him. He watched him take off his shoes in order to not make a mess in the house, Black Hole never really had to worry about this because of his absence of legs, but he found it a kind gesture nonetheless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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