Banker's Business

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Crosshair followed his younger brother as they left the post office. He pulled out his pocket watch, they had already been gone a little over thirty minutes. He wished he would have grabbed a snack, he needed it. "Why are you walking so fast?" Crosshair hissed. Tech rolled his eyes and slowed down. He knew that was code for 'Slow down so I can keep up'

Crosshair had been born with lots of medical defects, with such a weak heart and trash lungs, he wasn't suppose to live much more than a few months, a most a year. But the stubborn bastard fought and he was still kicking. But that doesn't mean he doesn't show signs of exhaustion. He couldn't walk too fast or even run, it'd over work his heart and new fancy medicine was way too expensive for them.

So Tech slowed down. They had entered downtown, the smell of overpriced hot dogs in the air. The two took a wiff and felt their stomachs growl. "Hunter better have supper ready when we get back" Crosshair mumbled as Tech nodded. The two saw the bank and knew they'd have to wait in another long line. That fact made Crosshair groan as they crossed the way.

Tech looked at all the people, bustling and enjoying their day, as if there was nothing more to life than wasting money on magazines. "Can't wait to get outta here." Tech mumbled to his brother, who nodded as they started to go up the stairs. Tech opened the door and a wave of cold air hit their faces, it sent a shiver down his spine. They stepped inside, shoes clacking against the marble. "Now the boring part" Tech sighed as they took a place in line. There were seven people ahead of them.

Crosshair pulled out a toothpick and started chewing on it, crossing his arms again. While they waited, the two got lost in their minds. Crosshair examined the people here. The bankers were all men, and all ugly ones of that. The lady at the counter was dressed very elegantly, with two men dressed in black beside her. It didn't take long to realize she was a senator, if her overly bedazzled outfit didn't get it away, it was the two men demanding space between her and the others.

The man behind her wasn't a man at all, it was a young boy all alone. Who looked very angry. Crosshair shok his head as the woman walked away from the counter and hurried out the door with her men. He then took a step forward then jumped at the sound of a gunshot. Tech and Crosshair hit the deck, it was the young boy and three others who had each shot their bankers. Crosshair hissed, they were never getting outta here now. Tech had pulled the gun he kept holstered, but Crosshair shook his head, "Tucker, you're blind, remember?"

Now of course, he wasn't blind. It was an exaggeration, if you were to take away Tech's glasses he'd walk into a wall. But his goggles were so big and bulky a stranger would think something was wrong with him, that he couldn't see passed his nose. He didn't have one of those fancy walkin' sticks to support the lie, but he did have his brother, who's arm he'd grab when people were watching. Tech cursed to himself, "They're robbing the bank" he hissed trying to get up again as his brother pushed him down again.

"Yeah, and we can't become involved, we can hunt them tonight, now shut up and stay down!" He whispered. Tech resented his brother, plopping down one of the side lenses to his glasses and hitting a button to record. Recalling back to the fact Tech was advance for the times, that also included the work he's done. His brothers didn't know how he could wipe old records to display auto on from his glasses. Or where he'd learned all that anyway.

Tech veered back up to see a woman in orange and a long braid jump over the counter after she'd grabbed the money. She then signaled to the young boy and the two men followed. The men were built strong and had muscle, one was abnormally taller, but not quite to Wrecker's height. Within three minutes the three were gone and within five minutes, the cops had arrived. Crosshair helped his brother up and tried to leave, but Tech had dropped their cash. "Wait, Curt!" Tech hissed, gesturing to his empty hands. Crosshair groaned, of course his brother had to make this so much harder.

Crosshair then started to search frantically, they hadn't grabbed it, had they? No, definitely not. Tech walked aimlessly as he scanned the room, only to grab Crosshair's arm, "Curt, it's gone, someone must've grabbed it" Tech sighed as he turned to the door.

"Damn it." Crosshair hissed, not that it was too much cash, but every bill was worth something. Especially for traveling across the states. "Hunter's gonna be pissed" he groaned, dragging his brother to the door only to be stopped by the cops.

"Witnesses stay for questions" a man stopped him, "Stand over there and wait your turn" the man ordered, they should've just left. The man was shorter than Crosshair, not much taller than Tech. The two recognized the symbol on his hat.

"Kriffing Marshal" Crosshair gritted as he and his brother took their place in line yet again. He then turned to his brother who was still holding onto his arm out of habit, "Didja get their faces?" Crosshair leaned over and whispered. If anything, they could steal the missing cash back from those damned robbers.

Tech looked up and nodded, "Obviously, I record everything" he rolled his eyes as he looked down. He couldn't look around, if Crosshair was the only one that could see, they'd get home faster. "Y'know, Hunter's probably gonna think we did something" he mumbled as they walked forward two steps.

"Yeah, but when doesn't he think we did something?" Crosshair countered as he tuned in to the grumpy fat man arguing with the Marshal. He was an entitled bastard demanding to leave, it was only after he laid hands on the Marshal that he assured himself he wouldn't be getting home anytime soon, for they'd arrested him. One more before them, "Well, he'll be happy to know we got a target tonight" Crosshair chuckled as he looked over to see them rolling out the dead on body bags. "Start analyzing that data" Crosshair nudged at his brother he let out a sign of annoyance. At least it was their turn.

It was the standard amount of questions. Were you harmed? Why were you at the bank and all that crap. Crosshair answered each question whilst holding his tongue back. If he just answered the kriffing questions, chances were they'd get out of there sooner. But he had to answer a ton of questions, so fighting the man might've gotten them outta there quicker, who knew. The man had begun to question Tech, but Crosshair quickly inturrupted, "He can't see." He stated. Crosshair knew that if the man gave Tech the opportunity to talk, he'd never stop.

Once they were outside, Tech gave his brother a glare but it quickly disappeared, "What're we gonna tell Hunter?" Tech mumbled as he held onto Crosshair's arm. They had lost a good amount of cash. Tech knew that Hunter would be mad, or disappointed. "Are we gonna tell Wrecker?" He asked again. Crosshair had been staring off as they walked, he hadn't thought about it if he was honest. He could count on Tech to so all the thinking.

"It wasn't our fault, half-pint" Crosshair hissed as they walked, "We payed the bills, that was more important, and Wrecker well understand. The bank got robbed." He added in hopes of putting his brother's mind to rest. Ever since Tech was little, he had an unusual amount of worry. He'd come up with every possible scenario and let it get to his head. Eventually, they found out if they just explained things to Tech and walk him out of his mind, he'll be less tense and his mind will be at rest.

"But we would've finally reached a thousand smackaroons, we needed that money" Tech sighed, looking down in disappointed. Crosshair gave his brother a nod. He didn't have anything to say, he pulled his brother closer, Crosshair could tell by the way his little brother was speaking he blamed himself for what happened. Crosshair wished and wished Tech didn't blame himself for every problem, but he didn't blame him for his mind being wired like that.

Wrecker and Hunter often got in fights, and however the argument started it always ended up on the lines blaming Wrecker for the fact Hunter had to drop out to take care of the two of their younger brothers. But Tech had felt if he had never been born, Hunter would've gotten to finish school. Crosshair was good growing up, he was quiet and didn't eat a whole lot. But Tech, Tech required a lot of attention. Hunter never thought about Tech in those fights though, that's what Crosshair told Tech, Hunter was just angry and was only mad at Wrecker.

"Come here." Crosshair mumbled as he saw an ice cream truck, pulling out his wallet. "Two fudge pops" Crosshair ordered, Tech looked to his brother in shock, as he looked to him, Crosshair looked back and gave his brother a smile. "Thanks." Crosshair told the ice cream man and handed Tech his ice cream. They stood there for a moment enjoying this moment, and after they finished their ice cream, Crosshair held out his arm,

"Come on, we still got a ways to go"

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