Chapter 17 ~ Walk Alone {Last Chapter}

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*Some time later*

"Thank you New Jersey!" I yelled into the microphone, as my best friend Rian hit his drum a few times.

That's right bitches, I'm in a band, and loving life. My everyday life is filled with touring with my friends smiling, laughing, and meeting people who love me more than my own parents do.

"Hey Jack-o, do you remember my friend Alex from highschool?" Rian asked walking over to me with his phone in his hand. We had just gotten back to the bus and I was about to take a shower.

"My ex boyfriend? Yea I seem to recall, why?"

"He's in town and really wants to see you." My blood ran cold. I hadn't seen Alex in 8 years, what could he want? "He said that if you're willing to see him go to this cafe tomorrow afternoon?"

"Um yea, I'll think about it." I grabbed my pone and retreated to the bathroom. My breathing went off the rails and I felt dizzy,

Did I want to see Alex?
What could he want?

Shaking my head I got into the shower.


The next day I put on the nicest clothes I owned, which were a button up shirt and black jeans. I ran down the the cafe.

He was already there, he sat there sipping his coffee looking down at his phone.

Alex had aged over the years, while I still looked like the scrawny 14 year old boy he once knew. I walked into the store and as soon as the bell that hung from the door rang his head shot up.

"Jack!" He cheered. He was a bit scruffy, his hair was longer and lighter, but his smile was the same. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, I had missed this.

"Hi." My voice came out small.

"Your hair is cool." he pointed out flipping a piece of the blonde, making me laugh.

"Oh yea, it adds to the punk rock factor."

"Yea so you're in that band now, that's cool." He lead me to the table he was previously sitting at.

"Yea that's fun, what are you doing now a days?" I asked him leaning forwards.

"I'm the manger of this big music corporation blah blah." He jokes making me smile.

This was so awful it was just bringing back all of these feelings I once had for Alex. Yes the feelings had faded over the years, I didn't love him anymore, but this is what I missed. With all this touring it's hard to keep a steady relationship. Alex was my last long term boyfriend.

"But that's not why I asked you to come here," Oh god here it comes, I braced myself as I heard the worst news I could imagine, "I'm getting married."

My breath caught in my throat, "Oh, that's," awful, terrible, you belong with me, "great. I'm so happy for you."

"Yea thanks, her name is Lisa and I really love her." He smiled. I looked at his hands, a silver band wrapped around his finger.

"Oh she's a girl," tears welled up in my eyes.

"Yea I'm straight, when I left for college, I realized you were the only guy I actually liked, so it was kinda just a phase. I wanted to tell you all of this so I wasn't leading you on." He looked down at his coffee.

"So it wasn't real?" I asked.


"You never really loved me." A tear escaped my eye as my whole body shook.

"That's ridiculous Jack, of course I loved you, it just wasn't meant to last this long." he said.

"Whatever Alex, nice seeing you." I cleared my throat and walked out into the cold.

I guess this story was just to teach you how easy you can fall out of love, no matter how real you thought it was.


There will be a sequel. More info in the next chapter.

catch yea later,


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