Chapter Two

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"What do you mean screams..." you asked with consern in your voice. He pushed you in the seat sitting down next to you. "I doubt that theyll move tonight since youre new. Theyre nice to newbies and let them learn and shit" mike said looking at the camra in between us. "Also DONT use all the power" and with that he shut the laptop.

3:00 AM

Mikes pov.

I checked the power on the lapop. 95% ok so far so good. i looked at YN who was now leaning on my sholder slightly drooling as she was sleeping. i lightly shook her... she looked cute while sleeping. She promtly started batting at the air. "YOU AINT GONNA TOUCH ME BITCHES" She yelled making me flintch. "YN" I wispered. She opened her eyes. "O-Oh Mike its just you" she said with a light blush witch made me smile.



I put the laptop down to see YN poking the nose on freddy on the celebrate poster. "What are you doing" i asked grabing her hand before she could poke it again. "Lightening the mood a bit" she shruged. I sighed and continued looking through the cameras.
Honk! Honk! Honk!

I flashed the light showing Bonnie examening YN i growled a bit.


"If you dont stop ill let Bonnie take you turn you into an animatronic" i yelled. She gasped and looked up in terror. I followed her gaze behind me showing that Bonnie had infact already gotten through the door.

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!

I breathed a sigh of releaf and looked at YN who was now quickly walking past Bonnie outside with her things.

She seemed more scared than i was... but then again it was only her first night at Freddy's.

(Fucking wattpad why you such an ass. I had it all written last night and it decided to say
'Nah fuk yuh'
And deleated ALMOST everything.

Well boss outro???

Boss: fine. Comment vote and follow or ill fire you!!! Ok well bye.

Dayum boss you scurry.

Well bye guys love you

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