Chapter Four

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Night 2

Your pov.

"We change back together..." foxy said laying the vans down. "Well atleast take these flip-flops" i yelled. "Theyll be easyer to take off and hide and youll have shoes" i yelled throwing the flipflops at him. He caught them and examened them. "Uh how do i... what goes where... help" he said stumbleing.over the words whitch made me giggle. "You wear them like this" i said putting them on. "Ohhhhh ok... those look way to big on you by the way" he said as i pulled them off and handed them to him. "I know and i dont care" i shrugged. We walked back inside as i slipped the vans back on. I looked around the room as Bonnie was playing an acoustic guitar Chica had just made pizza and Freddy and Mike were chowing down. "Hey save some for us" Foxy yelled as half the pizza was already gone. I facepalmed and grabbed the pizza away from them. I handed the last of it to Foxy who only took one piece. I sat next to Bonnie. "Thats a nice song... whose it by" i said watching him play. "Me but um its not finished yet i just need some more insperation" he said picking up a song book and humming softly to himself. "Well i think its good are there gonna be any lyrics or..." i asked watching him scribble something down. "Yea i just dont know what to write about..."

( write about me bonnie :,D).

"Well how are you feeling" i asked trying to help him. "W-well i dont feel good or bad... i feel like a robot... ironicly" he said setting his guitar down. I looked around and noticed Freddy Foxy and Mike all missing. I looked into Bonnies eyes they were a vibrant shade of red matching his tie. I smiled at him admireing his attractive face witch seemed to turn redder as i continued to stare. "W-why are looking at me like that" he asked embarrased. "Uhh i um..." i said embarrased. "PIZZA COME AND GET IT" Chica said looking in through the door with a flour covered Foxy walking out muttering swear words at Freddy. I bursted out laughing as Mike followed suit. "M-Mike i cant even" i said as Freddy walked out with out even a speck of flour on him

Nah im a Foxy gurl. Lol im hyper right now :D!!!!!!! So who do you want to romance next?????? I SHIP FREDDY AND CHICA JUST SAYING!!!!!!
I ship dem not my fault they look gud together

So Bonnie... outro just for meh???

Bonnie:Ok sure Cheyenne-chan. Vote follow and comment for more of my song.

My dogs are pissing me off right now :D well bye


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