Your pov.
I drove home chatting with FN. "YN" FN said quietly. "Yea" i said glancing from the road and back. "That place brought back some amazing memorys. I miss it. I miss the old characters too" FN said. "Yea like Balloon boy and Foxette and" i paused and thought of Goldie tightening my grip on the wheel. "The marianette" i said still with a tight grip. "That thing creeped me the fuck out" FN said a little tense. "Yea but it was cool how it would come out at a certain time exact and give out presents..." i said smileing losening my grip. "Yea that was nice" FN paused. "But it was just programed that way" I wanted to say no i wanted to say maybe it wasnt just programed but it was just genuinly nice. Goldie flashed in my mind again... then it hit me... Goldie sat and watched my actions even when i was helping the boys (Mike and Foxy) clean up the flour and eggs on them... he watched my kindness... he watched me act like the marianette.
I layed down in my bed in shock. FN said i looked pale and asked if i needed help driving back home. I said nah just a rough night. I wanted to curl up into a ball and never get up. I thought about calling Mike and telling him or telling him i was sick but i was to exausted... so i slept.
I called Mike and told him i had a stomach bug and he let me stay home. All night i griped the pillow trying to sleep but i kept feeling like i was being watched. I sat up and saw Goldie at the foot of my bed. "Hi Mary" he said in a sickeningly sweet tone. "What... Goldie what are you doing here im sick go away" i said groggily. "You dobt look sick only white" he paused. "And your hair is darker and your eyes are fading to black too, Mary, youre even starting to look like yourself again your purple cheeks are coming back" i wiped at my face. My hands were nolonger hands just nubs and my face was more like.a mask. I tryed to scream but it felt like my mouth would not move. I moved my nubs to my mouth whitch felt like it was formed into a large smile. My eyes flicked to Goldie who was now holding a music box. He twisted the ring. It began to play as sleep and terror flushed over me. I tryed to move but i felt stiff. My now plastic body curled into a ball, my mouth into a frown. I could not move or speak. Then everything faded black. "See you at work"
I jolted up feeling my face and looking at my hands. I checked my phone to see if i hadnt called Mike. Whitch i hadnt. I sighed. 'I have to go to work weather i want to or not' i thought.
(Omg so that was only a nightmare
And i told you i would make it up to you this chapter
Well i want you to do thr outro ^^
(Your outro here)
Thanks that was awesome!¡!¡!¡!
Well bye i hope you have a guten tag or nacht whenever you are reading this ich leub diech!
-Elke (my german name o3o)