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Ruth's POV

After that incident Lucian immedietly bought me back to the castle. He also tightened the security of the castle.

I was frightened by that message. How can someone from my dream threaten me in real. Was that really a Nightmare or something related to my past? I dont remeber anythings like that happening with me. I dont know any man with the blue eyes. But I remembere that man from my dream. He was cruel and for him I was like a toy with whom he was playing. Mere thought of that nightmare is enough for me to get scared.

Right Now I am in my room as Lucian dropped me to the castle and left for the pack house. Now it has almost been 4 hours since he left and I am bored.

I decided to go to the library and read more about warewolves. I got many books there about warewolves. I was reading about Mating right now as I heard it alot from Lucian's Mouth.

I read that before mating process Lucian has to bite me on the point where my neck and shoulder attached. It is known as marking process. After that I will be able to talk to him by talepathy. I will also be able to feel his emotions. And  after claiming me with in the 3-4 days Lucien has to mate with me otherwise there are chances of my death.

After my parents I have no one to care for me or love me or be there for me not that I ever wanted someone but after meeting Lucian I like to be with him. I like the way he cares for me. The pain that he felt during those 1000 years I can relate to that. It has only been a year to my parents death but living alone without your loved ones is not easy. And after meeting lucian I dont want to be alone again. I want to give him my love and care for what he is waiting from thousand years.

Suddenly I felt presence behind me. I turned to face him and hugged him happily. He hugged me back with same love.

" I am really sorry Love for leaving you alone for this much time." Lucian said as he inhaled my scent. He told me that it calms him down.

" I missed you." I confessed. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

" I missed you too my queen." He said lovingly.

" What were you reading?" He looked into my book.

" Nothing." I immedietly closed the book.

" Mating? I am happy that you are thinking about giving a chance to our relationship." He said with a smile and kissed my knuckles. I blushed.

" Let's go i'll give you a tour of the castle." He said while walking with me.

He showed me each and every room of the castle. There were almost 55 rooms in this castle with 12 huge halls. And 1 big royal court .Which was beautiful. There is also a dungeon in the castle but Lucian did not allow me to see it.

There was also a horse stable. There were beautiful 10 horses. Lucian promised me that he will teach me horse riding some day.

Right now Lucian is taking me to one of the hall where all the pictures and potraits of his ancestors and family members are

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Right now Lucian is taking me to one of the hall where all the pictures and potraits of his ancestors and family members are.

He showed me his childhood photos. Also his parents photos. He told me that he will take me to meet his parents soon.

There was a big picture on a wall. I was identifying everyone in that photo. There was lucian and his parents and one man. Him. Those blue eyes. Color drained from my face seeing his photo.

" He..who is he?" I asked trembling in fear.

" What happened, Love?" Lucian asked holding my shoulder.

" Lucian, he is the one. I saw him in my dream." I said pointing towards that photo.

" How can that be possible, Love?" He asked.

" Why? Who is he?" I said clutching lucian's shirt.

" He is my older brother Sebastian." Lucien said.

" Where is he now?" I asked Lucian.

" My father disowned him and exiled him from our pack." He said.

" Why?" I questioned

" My father got a news from his Beta that Sebastian raped many women from our pack and also from other pack and he killed them after that and threatened their families for complaining that. But my father's Beta got a hint of all the bad deeds of  sebastian and he reported that to my father and after that my father threw sebastian out of our territory. Where he meet other roughes and became their alpha. For many years he was not interfering in our territory but yesterday he tried to attack you by sending his men." Lucian said

"Why?" I asked

" Because I found my mate so that there is a possibilty for an heir to my kingdom which lessen his chances to rule my kingdom. I know he is in search of an opportunity that when he will kill me and get this pack and the title of the alpha king." He said

" But how can you see him in your dream, Love?" Lucian asked worriedly.

" I dont know. I dont remeber if I ever saw him or not. But everytime seeing him gives me a weird feeling and my mind screams to me to hide somewhere." I said clutching my head in frustration.

" Shh Love, dont stress much. Its okay. I'll solve this mystery. And I promise you that I'll protect you no matter what so dont worry I am here for you." Lucian said while cupping my face.

I dont know how I got this much courage but I leaned towards Lucian and kissed him. He responsed my kiss passionately. He lifted me up so that my legs were around his waist. With in second we were in our room. I was impressed by his speed. Lucian smirked at me and threw me on the bed and got on top of me. He kissed my lips and moved towards my neck. He started kissing and sucking on my neck. I felt like Electricity passed through my veins as sparks litter my skin, making me wrap my arms around his neck. I felt unknown sensation in my lower area.

" I can smell your arousal, Love." He said huskily in my ear and sucked my earlobe. I moan in pleasure. He then started sucking on a specific point on my neck. I was not able to control my moans. He kissed me hungrily and after that he get away from me.

" We should stop, Love. Otherwise I wont be able to stop myself from marking you." He said carassing my cheek.

" Then mark me." I said without  sparing a second .

" Do you really want me to mark you?" He asked for my consemt.

" Yes. I want to be yours. " I said with a blush.

Lucian looked happily towards me and pecked my lips.

"Love, It will hurt at the beginning but you will feel pleasure after that." Lucian said caressing my cheeks.

After that lucian's eyes turned red. I know it was his wolf Damian.

" Hello Mate." He said to me.

" Hii Damian." I said carassing His cheek.

"Mine". He growled and started kissing my neck. After few seconds sharp canines bit down, breaking my skin and sinking deep enough to cause me cry out in agony as my body flooded with a burning sensation. After some time which felt like eternity I felt different kind of pleasure in my body. Damian started licking my wound. Slowly dark spots came in front of me.

" Sleep Mate. We love you." I heard him before getting lost into the darkness.


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