Huffs and Pouts: the one where harry says he can dance

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Summary: Harry gets huffy when Y/N doesn't pay attention to him

Warnings: fluff

Word Count: 787 words

Based on: "He's so pretty, I think I'm gonna faint"


"I can dance too, y'know"

"Oh yeah, totally," Y/N replies with fake enthusiasm laced in her tone. From her peripherals, she could see her boyfriend pouting, back touching the couch as he leans his full weight into it.

"I'm absolutely serious, Y/N," Harry says in a pressing manner, wanting to get her attention away from the telly which flashed against his eyes.

"And I absolutely believe you, Har" Her mouth gapes open to swoon as she watches Jungkook from BTS teasingly graze his hand up to his shirt, catching the bottom and lifting it up slightly to flash a glimpse of his milky skin and of course, his abs.

Y/N squealed at the action and couldn't help but slap the puffy pillow in front of her from the pent-up frustration coursing through her, making her hand act on its own accord. Silent squeals slipped from her mouth as she bounced excitedly on the cushions of the couch, hugging the pillow from her chest completely drowning out the sound of Taehyung's husky voice by accident.

"Y/N, look at me!" Harry quips with a light voice, almost like a child with something worth bragging about. Y/N only nods at him without sparing him a glance while she belts out the echoing lyrics, clapping her hands every time Jin hits that sweet high note.

On the other side of the couch, Harry rests his left hand on his chest; slacking against the fabric of his olive-green 'Obsession' sweater as he shivers from the cold air. In an effort to gain Y/N's attention on him, he had pulled the material up to showcase his tan skin and defined abs to Y/N but she didn't even look at him!

The indent on his forehead appears when he watches Y/N get hyped over-as he recalls- Suga's part of the song. He witnesses his girlfriend throw her hands up in the air, disregarding the fallen pillow on the floor as she adds adlibs to the empty parts of the song.

"Oh my god," Harry chokes out through his giggles. His eyes squinted from laughing but he tries to keep them open to watch her wriggle her body in a purposefully awkward way to make him laugh when she noticed that it wiped the pout off of Harry's face.

All plans of making Harry giggle go down the drain when she catches sight of Taehyung's body moving with the music. His all-black outfit caught her sight when the background lights glimmered in a pale blue to accentuate the song.

"He's so pretty I think I'm gonna faint," Y/N fans herself with her hands to exaggerate the gorgeous boy performing on the stage.

She could hear Harry huff and she could imagine his cheeks puffing up with air with his arms crossed in front of him but she couldn't look away now; not when all the members did a body roll towards Jungkook and Jin standing in the middle.

"Damn," Y/N slowly deflates from the energy she'd contained during the duration of the performance. The music decreases in volume until the crowd's united voice chanted each members' name in a rhythm.

Harry makes a sulking noise again, hoping that this one would be the sound that made Y/N look at him.

"Hey H, how was it?"

"It was good. Really good actually," He states, pursing his lips as he rewinds what he just watched. "But you weren't paying attention to me,"

Harry's voice whines out while his face changes to a frown.

"Aw sorry, bubs" Y/N strokes the stray curl dangling on his forehead.

"I even lifted up my sweater bu-," She leans in towards his body in slight interest at what he just said.

"You what?"

"I lifted up my sweater to show you my stomach," He admits shyly, blushing a bit when he hears himself confess to Y/N. "Cause I-i got jealous and-"

"There's no need to be jealous! You know I love you, Harry" She exclaims in protest.

"I thought that maybe if you saw my smokin' hot body, you'd pay attention to me," He winks at her, shoulders moving up and down suggestively.

She slaps his shoulder lightly, rolling her eyes at him, "And the moment's over, nice"

"Wha'? It's true, isn't it?" Her lips clamp shut to prevent herself from agreeing with him. "Come on, you know it is,"

Harry smirks, bringing his arms behind his head to rest on them in a cocky manner. The silence doesn't last for long when Y/N pinches the skin of his hip and he lets out a high-pitched scream.

"Maybe I'll believe you when you show me some of those moves,"


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