Thirteen|| Takis

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I was woke up by the sound of the hotel door closing and the lamp beside me being turned on.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to Wicked with plates of food. He set them down on the bed as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning." He said and I grumbled it back before releasing a yawn. "I figured you were hungry since you don't eat unless it's brought to you or you're forced." I nod.

"Thank you Wicked." I grabbed a small bowl of mixed fruit as I started to eat.

"No problem. Everyone's slowly getting up." I nod and keep eating, Wicked eating right next to me on his bed. I threw the bowl in the trash beside us before getting up to go get changed.

I grabbed my clothes and hopped in the shower, washing up real quick before getting changed into a pair of black, high waisted jeans with rips going down them and a baggy t-shirt.

Wicked had taken both of our bags out to the car when I got out.

"How you feeling this morning?" Marvin asked as I walked out to the parking lot. I nod.

"Good. How about you?" My eyes were trained on Wicked who was leaning against the car, phone in hand.

"Good." I nod and we go our separate ways. When I reach the car, he puts his phone in his pocket before opening the door for me and grabbing my bag from my arm.

I sit and buckle up as he closes the door for me.

He gets in and starts the car.

Five hours later and we were finally almost there- about 3 ad a half hours away.

Wicked was in the midst of pumping gas as me, Marvin, Rosie and Teeny where in the convenience store looking for food.

"So, what's it like driving with Wicked?" Rosie asks, a few isles down from me.

I shrug, "Eh. It's whatever. We don't talk much and I generally sleep off and on throughout the ride." Teeny shows up beside me.

"But aren't you mates?" She frowns. I chew on the inside of my lip, removing my eyes from his.

"I don't really know, I'm not gonna lie. But I mean," I shrug again and go back to looking at some Takis.

"You mean what? That you have a mate who'd kill someone for you?" She asks and i furrow my brows.

"Your opinion definitely differs from mine." I mutter, grabbing my takis and going to look for a tea.

"Can we keep in mind that he's a murderer?" Marvin says, rounding the corner. I purse my lips together.

"Aren't you his best friend?" Rosie asks and Marvin nods.

"Yes- doesn't mean I agree with everything he does." He states, matter-of-factly.

I nod. "Can we please not talk about it?" Rosie puts her hands up.

"Hey. I was just wondering." I nod and we go pay for our things before walking out to the cars. I got in the car where Wicked was already waiting.

"What'd you get?" He asks, eying my bag- knowing damn well he said he didn't want anything.

"Takis and an Arnold Palmer." He passed me a confused look.

"Takis?" I nod and open them, putting one in my mouth. His hand tried to get one and I snatch the bag away from him.

"I think the fuck not." He looks at me and laughs.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me you little shit. I said I think the think the fuck not." (Yes I meant it doubled) he laughed again, a real, throaty laugh and I looked at him in a hidden awe.

"Give me one, Talia." I clutch the bag to my chest as I look at him. I was very serious when it came to my Takis- they were my favorite.

"Fuck you. Go in and get one, you giant fuck." He puts his head on the steering wheel as I watched him.

"Talia!" I look at him like he's stupid and he looks back, amusement dancing on his face.

"I'm glad you think this is a fucking joke, but on everything I love I will fucking shank you if you touch them!" I yell as his hand reaches out to grab them and I slap them away.

"Shank me? With what?" A full blown smile breaks out in his face as he tests me.

"Boyyyyy. I been around the block. I can make a shank from a straw and then shank you in all of ten minutes." He chokes on his spit as he starts laughing harder.

A smile breaks out on my face as I watch him. "All five feet of you is so scary Talia." I sit up straighter.

"You damn right." He looks at me for a moment, a smile still broke out on his face before he shakes his head and looks back at the road.

"You're something else." My face heats up a bit before he starts driving out and I turn my head to the window.

We had pulled up to a rest stop in Huston when we finally reached Texas. Me and Wicked got out to stretch as Marvin, Rosie and Teeny pulled up.

"Okay, so if we go about a good 35 minutes in further and get a hotel, we should be close enough. Me and Teeny can do another spell and try to find the boy." Rosie said as they walked up to us. Wicked nodded.

"Great. We can find a hotel, get some food and regroup tomorrow. Run multiple tests and be certain so we're not running around." They nod and we get in our cars.

I was ripped back as his hands gripped my hair. "She's going to raise you to be some type of crybaby bitch." He threw me on the floor in front of his gaze- his menacing eyes staring me down and judging my every breath.

My mother stood and my eyes connected with hers. Her brown eyes looked at me with an adoration and hurt that stung my heart.

"Mommy's not gonna save you." He said- an evil smile on his face.

Tears stung my eyes and my heart twisted in a painful instant that made me want to rip it from my own chest.

"I didn't do anything to you." I muttered.

"You threw out my baggie." He seethed.

"Even before that! I didn't do anything to you!" I screamed before his hand connected with my face.

I bellowed a throaty scream before all the wind was knocked out of me.

He had used all of his weight to punch me in the chest, resulting in a coughing fit from me.

"Oh grow up, you're fine." He said, rolling his eyes as my mother was screaming and crying behind him and his arm that held her from me.

My eyes snapped open, hands and body shaking violently- not just by me but by another force.

My eyes met steely ones as I swallowed back the overflowing anxiety and pain that seeped in my chest and entire being.

Instantly, I pushed his hands away as I tried to sit up. The moment I did, I began to slip into a coughing fit before opening the door, suddenly feeling claustrophobic.

I put my hands on my knees as it felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. When I opened my eyes, I noticed a red, splattered substance on the ground.


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