Fifteen|| temperamental

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His eyes were practically black and I knew Abaddon was standing in front of me. I shut the door behind me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He roared.

"I went to go get food. Fucking chill." Suddenly, he smelled the air.

"With Marvin, huh. So what, now y'all are fucking?" I cut him off with a laugh.

"The fact that you think I'd fuck anyone when I don't even let people touch me is hilarious, Abaddon." I walk over and fix my mattress before sitting with my food and the drinks. "Now, how about you chill and come eat. I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too."

When he didn't respond, I looked up at him- his eyes still the same color but instead of anger they held confusion.

"So you didn't-"

"No." I dragged out the word and put my hands on my face. "For fucks sake, what more do you want? Do you want me to do a rape test or something? Marvin offered to go get food, I was hungry and you were asleep. So I went with him to go get food for everyone. He didn't touch me- for the love of god we hardly made conversation!" I shake my head. "Now you can chill the fuck out and eat or don't. I don't care."

I got out my fry and burger before rolling up the bag with his food and put it at the end of my bed for him to take.

"I'm sorry." I looked up at him- Wicked standing in front of me, brows furrowed.

"It's fine dude. Just eat. You haven't ate since this morning and I know you have no energy. Eat." Hesitantly, he took the bag from me.

He sat on his fucked up bed and began to eat.

"It's really not fine." He said lowly.

"It is. You're a temperamental dude." I shrug and he snorts. "If I woulda known you would have freaked out like this then I would've woken you up."

"I also mean for trying to force you to open up." I take a bite of my burger and set it down as he speaks.

Brushing my hands off, I shrug. "I just don't think it's that important or bad or anything. Like," I sigh and gather my thoughts as I feel his eyes bore into the side of my head while my eyes are trained on the bed cover. "If this whole mate thing is as it's hyped up to be, then eventually I'll let you see everything and whatever. And it's probably not something to just brush off, but I honestly haven't even fully excepted it. But for now, it happened and I survived and that's all that's important. In time, I'll tell you. But for now, just know that I survived."

I looked up at him after a moment and seen a new look in his eyes.


For what, I don't know. He nods and adverts his eyes back to his food. "Alright."

We eat in a comfortable silence. Once we're both done, I grab his trash and mine before throwing it out.

I crawl back into bed, a yawn escaping my lips as I clutch a pillow in my arms and bring my knee to my chest with my eyes closed.

Was I tired? Absolutely.

Did I want to go to sleep? Not really.

A growl escaped Wicked and I nearly jumped out of my skin as I looked over at him. He was looking at me as I now was propped up on my hands and almost sitting up.

His eyes were dark and not even on my eyes- they were roaming my curves and immediately I straightened out my body and sat up, completely on guard.

His eyes found mine and to say I was concerned was an understatement as my heart began palpitating out of my chest.

Before I could even inhale again- or allow my heart to beat once more- he was in front of me and crouched down.

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