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Forty-nine. Fifty.

Miles grunted as he stood up from his push-ups, content to be done for the day. He whipped a towel over his shoulder and sauntered into the hotel bathroom, where his reflection in the mirror caught his eye.

His brown hair, usually ruffled or coiffed, was now matted against his forehead, and his face flushed red with health. Sweat gleamed on his biceps and he flexed them playfully, before relaxing and removing his tank to reveal a chiselled torso. He counted two - no, it looked like four pecs had now cemented their place in his abs, and he smirked at the accomplishment.

He slid his boxers off and stepped into the warm shower. The water rushed through his hair and over his broad shoulders, and Miles found his thoughts suddenly drifting to the girl from the day before.

It bothered him that he never got to finish his argument with her. That she had dared to storm off without even knowing who he was. That he didn't even know her name.

All he knew was that her intense grey eyes bore into his being. She had wavy brown hair that curled over her shoulders, and her coat – was it camo? – did nothing to hide the size of her chest. They were large and peeked out teasingly, and her black shorts hugged her ass perfectly.

It bothered him very much.

He found his hand unconsciously falling to his lower abdomen and gripping his dick, which was hardening by the second.

Fuck, he thought as he slid his hand across the length of his growing rod. The thought of pounding some sense into her sent him into a dizzied frenzy as he quickened his pace and stiffened his grip, feeling the smooth lather hug him like a tight -


"Shit," Miles cursed as he felt the high slip away and slide with the soap into the drain. He hastily washed the suds off his body and felt the fog lift from his mind.

I can't let this distract me.

He threw on a fresh set of clothes and exited the bathroom. At the doorway, Liam scurried past him, muttering, "What took you so damn long?"


In the dark room, Miles stared into the glow of his computer, squinting at the lines of code running before him. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and furrowed his brow.

"The fuck, Miles, it's 4am," Liam shuffled past into the kitchen and opened the fridge, flooding the floor with a faint light. He grabbed a can of beer and closed the fridge before sinking into the armchair beside Miles.

"What are you even coding for? We don't even have a setting or a story," Liam groaned and cracked the can open.

"Fun." Maintaining his intense glare, Miles keyed a new line into the code.

"You know, sometimes you can get too intense," Liam drawled and took a swig of his cold beer. "You should relax. Pound one out or something."

"I don't have the time."

"Man, it's just a couple seconds, pump it out of your system, then get back to your tipee-typing. You know, post-wank clarity or whatnot."

"No. She's too distracting."

From the corner of his eye, Miles saw Liam prick at the scent of blood. It wasn't news that the boys got plenty of attention from the ladies. Even Carly – the top streamer who only ever teased the other guys – threw herself at Miles. But he had remained an ever-stubborn, ever-unmoving rock.

So what was news – to both of them – was that Miles had now let a girl get under his skin.

"Oh? What's she like?" Liam asked casually, probably not wanting to scare the emotions back under the rock. "Is she packing goods in the front or the back?"

Miles continued to type feverishly, barely pausing to respond to Liam. "It's not like that."

"Not like what?"


"Bro, you gotta give me something to chew on."

"I don't know her."

"You... don't know her." Liam repeated the words carefully, slowly digesting their meaning. "So is she a star star, or like, a pornstar star - "

A cushion flew towards Liam and he leaped out of the chair in time to avoid impact.

"Alright, geez, I'll give it a rest," Liam murmured and retreated to his room, leaving Miles alone to stew in his thoughts about the mystery lady.

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