Ep.01 - The Surprise

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Yesterday was a bad day for Shiro. She thought her boyfriend forgot about their anniversary. She prepared him a meal and had it sent to his office. She had a note placed inside one of the treats in the lunchbox that says 'Happy Anniversary!' followed by a thoughtful short message. She's never the type to do such sweet gesture, but this time she feels like she have to try. She spent her day waiting for a message or even a call from him, but there's none. She knew he's busy with his project that's why they can't meet. They had a fight about this before, he even had it explained to her a lot of times a month before their anniversary.

"Oh well, it's just for this year. Next year will be better.", Shiro told herself.

But today isn't the same as yesterday.

Shiro woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. It's Sunday, few minutes past 06:00 am, too early for a phonecall. She reached for her phone under her pillow, it's her boyfriend. Her eyes lits up in excitement. She rolled over on her stomach and lifted the phone to her ear.

"Good morning architect, what's up?" Shiro answered the phone in a playful voice.

"Good morning sunshine", he greeted back. "Hey, I'm sorry for yesterday. I know it's very inconsiderate of me not to reply to your message, I hope it's not yet too late.. Happy Anniversary.."

"It's OK, I'm fine", Shiro lied. She's actually deeply hurt yesterday. She was waiting for a reply the wholeday yesterday, but there's none. A simple "Thank you" or "I love you" would suffice, but she did not hear a word from him all day.

"So how was the food I prepared? Did you like it?" Shiro said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yes, it was great. I didn't know a princess can cook", he teased. Shiro smiled. She really loves this guy. "So I was thinking, do you have anything to do tonight?" he asked.

"Well, I'm free. You wanna go somewhere?" Shiro answered.

"Kinda. Wanna meet at The Lake? You know, to talk or something, catch up, maybe?"

"Sure! Meet me in 12hrs?"

"Okay, see you in 12hrs. Oh, I have to go, I have work to do."

"Oh alright, go! Bye!" Her boyfriend hanged up. "He's so busy huh that he forgot to tell me he loves me."

They have been together for 3 years. She remembered the first time she met him personally, she had to commute for 2hrs to a place new to her. She didn't tell anyone about her meeting him, except to her bestfriend who stalked his facebook account every night just to make sure he's a good guy, single, and is not as poser.

It was a hot October day when they first met. That was also the first time that she heard his voice, and she instantly fell inlove. He knows she likes historical stuffs so he made a perfect plan for their date, an excursion.

Shiro was thrilled about the idea of going on a field trip with a guy she just met. They visited museums, stared at paintings, read old books, learn alibata, and dine in an old mansion. Going back in time is such a fun experience for her, and now, she have someone to share it with.

It took six months before they officially became exclusive. They were watching a documentary movie about war, one of her favorites, when he asked her when can they officially be together. Shiro answered "Today." while still focused on the TV screen. He looked at her and smiled, "This is a great day!" is what he said. She could feel him looking at her, but she know he respect her interest so much that he would let her watch that documentary than celebrate. Shiro likes that about him. It was her dream to prove the world that love isn't always about being sweet and cuddly; it's about trusting that your partner loves you, and being comfortable and safe when you are together. And that's exactly what she felt that day when they became official, and the feeling never left her since then.

"Geez, I must be day dreaming too much again, I have to prep for tonight."

As Shiro prepares herself for their date, she remembered a conversation with him. That was a year ago when they had a serious talk. He told her that he wants to save up for their future. To which Shiro answered, "Then make sure to marry me when I'm 27." He smiled at her, seemingly curious as to why she would prefer to be at that exact age to marry. "Why 27?" He would ask her that question every time they get to this topic. "Because I know both of us would be ready by that time." Then he will stare at her smiling, giving her a look that screams of pure love and longing. That's one of her favorite moments with him. And each time that happens, she'll wish for time to stop.

"Choosing what to wear is always giving me dilemma," said Shiro sighing. She looked at her body in the mirror, she doesn't feel pretty at all. She tried a lot of dresses, but she settled in wearing a flannel shirt, leggings, and a cap. "Simplicity is beauty Shiro," she said as she wink at her reflection.

It's almost time to go.

"Hello Rin! Guess what?" Rin is Shiro's friend since college.

"What's up?" answered Rin

"Well, he asked to see me today.."

"And you're calling me just to tell me you have a date?" said Rin smiling. She knows that Shiro is smiling at the other end of the line.

"No," Shiro answered. A hint of pure happiness can be heard on the tone of her voice. "I'm 27 Rin."

"OMG! That's not what I think it is, right? You think he'll propose to you!? Gosh! I knew it!" Rin said gleefully.

"I know, I realized it just now. I'm almost at the location, I'll fill you up later. Bye!"

He was there, watching the sunset when she arrived. There's a floating cottage nearby, lighted by yellow fairy-like bulbs. A dinner for two.

"I don't think I'm dressed for this. I should have worn a dress," Shiro said walking up to him.

"You're still beautiful to me," he said as he guide her towards the floating cottage.

They had the night for themselves. Shiro wished for the time to stop and savor every moment he's with her. She missed him. After dinner, they walked at the bank of the lake. It was silence that followed.

"I have something to tell you," he said.

"What is it?" Shiro answered smiling. She could hear her heart beat. The thought of him asking for her hand is making her giddy.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time.. I've been busy and all, but please believe me when I say that I love you.."

"I know.. and I never asked for more. Tell me what is it?"

It was the moment of truth for her, she's been waiting and is ready for this. Though she had a walkthrough of this in her head, everything is still making her nervous and excited at the same time. She doesn't want him to know that she knows he's proposing.

He stopped walking and turned to face her. His back is against the light from the post but she could see his eyes glimmering. He's crying, is what she thought.


This is it girl, he's gonna propose. Shiro looked at him. She lifted her hand to caress his face. He took her hand and kissed it.

"I've been busy with work and almost have no time to see you. I know it's been hard for both of us, especially you. Shiro, I love you, you know that. But I think this is for the best. Let's break up."

Shiro's world stopped. She can't process what she heard. A lot of things rushed in her mind; he was saying something. A lot of why's and an instant flashback of their happy memories flooded her. She was probably stunned for a long time, she didn't notice her boyfriend, now her ex-boyfriend, walk away.

She looked back at the lake as warm tears start to run down her face.

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