April 01 Jared Kenan S. Pasion

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Being in quarantine for an extended period of time can be a battle in itself. We, in our own little ways, can be warriors in this fight for health. We are in a war with an invisible enemy, with no endpoint in sight...yet. It reminds us of the storm Jesus and the disciples faced in the sea of Galilee. The disciples panicked, Jesus awoke from His nap, rebuked them for their lack of faith, and calmed the storm.

"Storms" can manifest itself in many ways in our lives, in recent crisis such as CoViD-19 now, or even some of the previous problems we had faced like overbearing schoolworks being so difficult for students, family or relational problems, financial burdens, or career roadblocks. Even your love life can be a storm in your life. Once these storms hit in our lives, it's pretty easy to be afraid and develop fears, and this stems from not TRUSTING GOD, and not TRUSTING HIM ENOUGH. It is easy to focus on our fears when you can't control your future. We cannot allow our faith and trust in God to be tainted and be allowed to collapse just because of our fears.

In battling adversity, we must remember to choose faith over fear. Always. In all times. Jesus' gentle rebuke over the disciples' lack of faith wasn't because they didn't believe Jesus could save them from the storm, but because they struggled to believe He would see them through it.
It is our response to respond with faith. We should trust Him first, no matter how overwhelming the storm may be.

It is in our faith in Jesus that we can push back the storms of life, because (1) God has power over every storm. If the storm didn't concern Jesus to the point that He was even able to take a nap through it, then that storm shouldn't frighten you, at all. (2) We attain peace when we fix our eyes on Him. Focus on God, and surely you can navigate any situation with His wisdom and peace. Lastly, (3) always remember that Jesus is on your boat. Jesus called us to live by faith and not by sight, and we can live in that calling knowing that Jesus knows our future.

In parting, if you do choose to look to Jesus above everything, you begin to see that the storms you face are no nearly as powerful as the Savior choosing to walk through the storm alongside you. God bless!

Scripture Reading:
Matthew 8:23-27

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