Chapter 1 - solangelo having the gey and getting a quest

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Ok before the chapter starts here's the warnings:

- Swearing


- Gore (probably)

- Eating disorder/s

- my dumbass not knowing how to write well

- Inconsistant uploads

 (i'll also put specific trigger warnings at the start of the chapters that might need it and obviously put a summary at the bottom)

Also i'm sorry if I get things wrong involving plot line, grammar, spelling, different languages  (i'm just using google translate), their disorders (like the way I write them having ADHD, dyslexia and ptsd) and etc. If literally anything is wrong, please correct me.

oh it also has homoshrekuality so if ur ignorant and just don't like the lgbtqia+ community don't read. thanks and bye :) (you know this shit's gonna get geeyyy)

Also by writing this, I am in no way supporting JK Rowling views or anything about that clown. I can't believe I have to say this because it is VERY obvious but trans men are men and trans women are women and non-binary people are non-binary people, no questions needed or asked. JK Rowling is definitely not someone to be idolised or anything that transphobes come up with to try and validate their views.

I don't own any characters they belong to Uncle Rick Riordan and whoever wrote the Harry Potter books.

Nico POV

 I got woken up by a summoning from hades, thats just great isn't it (note the sarcasm). This specific night I hadn't even had one nightmare (real shocker with my track record). 

I got up, trying to not wake the son of apollo who was in my bed, but ultimately failed.

"What are you doing babe?" He asked sleepy, eyes closed, half-asleep.

"Sorry mio amore, my father is summoning me" I say putting on pants (i wasn't naked in the bed, just in boxers, ok, u dirty minded people)

"oh" he sighed, "do you have to?"

"No of course i don't need to go see my all powerful father when he asks, its not like he could kill us both with the snap of his finger"

"Thank the gods he won't do that than"

I ignored him and with a slightly whiney voice i told him, "I'm leaving now Will, I love you" 

"finneee," Will sighed "bye sunshine" he said already going back to sleep

I shadow travel to my fathers throne room, where I was greeted with a familiar, cold voice telling me, "five minutes and thirty seven seconds. You're late"

"Hello to you as well father" I say as he slightly glared at me. 

"a quest" He says without any form of prompt. Though it didn't make much sense

"a quest?"

"yes, a quest for you." 

"ugghhhh" I complained, "why can't I just relax for once."

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