Chapter 3 - Some shopping and a train or something

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Will POV (A/N sorry, i just really like Will and writing his POV)

"We we should go to gringotts first" Molly told the kids, "Are you coming with us dearies?" She addressed Nico and I"

"Grin-got thats the bank right?" I whispered to Nico, and he rolled his eyes at me (again, i might add. He seems to do it a lot)

"Yes, we need to go get out some money." Nico says.

We walked to gringotts with the weasley and friends, Harry and eyeing me suspiciously every time I interact with Ginny. Wow he thinks i'm a hetero, eww the thought of it makes me want to barf. 'Love' (or jealousy or whatever the emotion he is feeling) makes you blind as they say.

We finally made it to a marble building. It said some long saying on the front, but I didn't bother reading it (dyslexia and all). Molly directed us inside, there were goblins (or as the ancient greeks called them, kallikantzaros) sorting money at huge desks. We walked up to the front desk.

"We would like to get out some money from our vaults please" Molly addressed the Goblin sitting there.

Looking up from his money (A/N idk) the goblin said with a raspy voice, "Keys please"

Molly, Harry and Nico all slid their keys across the counter. The goblin inspected each and when he got to Nico's he muttered, "demi-" He then looked up assessing the situation, the murmured, "No one has used this key in years." He then said, "All seems to be in order, I'll have someone to take you to your vaults. Pickleberry!" He called to a goblin sorting money at a bench. He then slid the keys back across the desk, inviting them to be picked up again.

Pickleberry directed us to a door, on the other-side was a cart on tracks. It definitely did not look safe, but we were used to that, safe isn't exactly in our job description.

Surprisingly, we all fit onto the machine and even more surprising we didn't fall off when we started zooming down the track pretty much at a 90% angle. I was clutching onto Nico's hand (no one else saw though we were right at the back of the cart). After the.... fun time? on the rollercoaster we stoped "Vault 713, Potter vault" Pickleberry said loudly. Harry and the Goblin both got off. They then unlocked the door, and a lot of green (Rachel like) smoke came billowing out. As the smoke cleared you could see mounds of gold, silver and bronze coins. Harry went in and scooped some into a small pouch, he walked out blood rushing to his head kind of like he had Idiopathic craniofacial erythema, but i'm pretty sure he was just embarrassed... but I wouldn't have a clue why.

After Harry and Pickles (new nickname for our 'jolly' friend) got back onto the cart, we zoomed away going left, right, right, down, left and I began to feel dizzy. We finally stopped "Vault 687, Weasly vault" Pickle said loudly and Molly got out of the cart. The Goblin again opened the vault, but this time I didn't see any riches, just a small pile of sliver and bronze coins as well as a couple of gold coins on top. Molly scooped them all into her small pouch. They then got back onto the cart and we zoomed off again, going down more confusing paths (A/N ain't that a metaphor for life)

We finally stopped again after quite a bit of travel and Pickle called out "Vault 001, Solangelo" Why do people keep saying solangelo? is it a new trend? Well anyway, Nico, Pickles and I hoped out of the cart, "key please" the goblin demanded, and Nico silently handed him the key. When the door opened Pickles stood to the side and watched as we walk in. The mounds of treasure were so vast and I couldn't see any walls. This stash was even bigger than Harry's. I had never seen this much gold in my life. Then it hit me, why harry was embarrassed. It was because the Weasleys didn't have very much money in their vault. Oh now I feel really bad, but it would be very rude to offer them our money right?

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