Chapter 5 - Little bit of fluff and idk

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Pls correct me if my translations are wrong, thx :)

oh i forgot to mention that i have literally never been in a relationship so... yeah, but i'm trying my best to write it well.

Will POV

After a long day of... traveling? i guess (Wow this seamed more like a holiday than a quest... then again, i'm used to working long shifts in the infirmary), it was finally time to go to the land of Morpheus (Or as us doctors like to call it, sleep). "Neeko" I whined as i jumped onto the bed, startling him from his thoughts.

I looked right into his eyes, his big brown eyes. They had seen so much... too much. I know I could never feel what he feels about the world, but maybe... just maybe, I could forever be the part that keeps him grounded, the part that keeps him sane... and he could be that for me. Well, he is that part for me.

After staring at each other for maybe a second Nico pulled me by my shirt down towards him, taking me closer and closer towards him and finally connected our lips. I could feel both our heart beats rising, yet i couldn't focus on anything but Nico. Obviously, we had kissed before, but... I don't know what it was about this time... everything about this kiss was so good. When we both finally came up for air I felt Nico's hot breath on my neck and could see him super flushed to the face, "You're really hot when you get all embarrassed"I told him, knowing that I was also blushing.

"Oh shut up" He told me playfully, "I could say the same for you Amore."

"Oh you really tryna make me blush, this ain't a competition baby" I told him, accidentally slipping slightly into my Southern accent. By now Nico's face looked like an actual tomato, though I pretty sure my face wasn't any better.

"Who says it's not" He said with a wink.

"Oh I see how it is" I sighed, kissing him on the cheek and laying next to him on the bed.

I saw Nico smiling slightly to himself. Oh how much I love this mans. We lay in an awkward sort of silence for a few seconds "Sorry" Nico said, looking up at the ceiling, his dark brown eyes, sparkled in the light (A/N that is the most fanfiction thing i have ever written)

"For what?" I asked, obviously confused.

He turned his body to face me "Well...ah i just kissed you without asking."

It took me a second to compute what he said, "Oh, Baby it's alright. I didn't mind"

He smiled (a nico smile) "But I mind, i'm sorry I was caught up in the heat of the moment"

I looked right into his eyes and told him, "I fu-freaking love you Nico di angelo"

"Oh my gods, you nearly said fuck didn't you"

"Nope, I would never" We laughed together, his face was so close to mine i could practically feel his skin. We made eye contact again and our lips touched for a brief second... a brief second that lasted maybe a minute. When we broke apart we stared (A/N store? idk) into each others eyes until Nico broke it and looked up to the roof again.

"You know back in the 1930's I could never even dream of kissing a guy" I know what he's talking about, they were crazy back then. I can't even imagine how he would have thought of himself at the time. It was honestly scary for me to even think about that. "But now... I so fucking grateful for you." His voice cracked with passion "Sei la mia vita." I didn't ask what he said in Italian. sometimes he accidentally slips into other languages, but at that moment I think it was on purpose.

I have dated other people before... but not like this, our connection, it was like we were soulmates... if that was an actual thing.

(A/N Sei la mia vita means You are my life in italian. And I think thats cute.)

"Oh wow, I love you so much" I half whispered. 

We lay there again mostly just enjoying each others warmth until I finally interupted the silence "It's late, and we need to teach or something tomorrow" I said, looking down into his eyes.

"Uggh. What if we just ditched."

I stared at him for a moment, "Ditch?... wait you mean the classes that we're teaching?"

"Ok, fine... if we don't ditch, i'm thinking the skeleton idea."

"Oh my gods, no, we are not scaring children"

"They're the same age as us William"

"Your like 80" I counted, though I definitely don't like thinking of that... at all.

"Not really."

"So when you want to win this argument you're not 80 but every other argument we need to 'respect our elders'"

"Exactly" he said simply.

(A/N don't mind me here, just realising that I can't end this chapter at 600 words)

---Time skip, does anyone else write notes and draw all over their computer, like on the outside of it?---

Nico's POV 

I woke up in Will's arms. I don't remember falling asleep there, but it was definitely better than waking up in literally any other way. I laid there a couple minutes soaking in his warmth like he was a battery and I was a remote control car. It took me a minute to register where the fuck I was. And why I was- oh yeah quest thing and now we have to teach kids and stuff.... oh. What was the time??

Just like the remote control car i was, I disrupted the peace. "Caro, wake the fuck up"  I said, kicking Wills leg from where I was (still cuddled up with him, I might add).

Will groaned, "stap kicking me, you dick"

"uh... did you just swear at me?" I ask, astonished.

"Dick isn't a swear word, it's a body part," he counted tiredly. Though I'm pretty sure that 'penis' is a more 'medical term' I didn't offer it as a counter.

"Amore, don't we have to teach or something today?" I groaned to him.

"You know, i'm starting to like your idea of ditching a lot better now."

"William! I knew you weren't just another handsome white dude with morality."

"Oh, you think i'm handsome?" he then gasped dramatically, "wait is that all that you think of me."

"No, your also a pain in my ass"

"I know, but you always seem to beg for it."

"Fuck you Solace."

"I think it is I who dooose to you"... I set myself up for that.

I felt my face heat up "Oh gods Will" I said and he winked at me.

"Hey, baby what did you call me earlier was is car-o or something?"

"Are we just going to ignore what you just said??"

"Yep." He told me, and I rolled my eyes, "Anyway what does it mean" he prompted.

"Caro," I told him, "is dear in italian. You would know that if you had actually listened when I tried to teach you"

"Hey, it's not my fault. It's hard to pay attention when the person teaching you is so incredibly beautiful."

I felt myself blushing again, "Shut up Solace."

I'm so sorry this chapter is so short and badly written. I kinda ran out of motivation (I am definitely still writing this book tho, bc it's fun), I also just want to upload the first 5 chapters to see what people think (my anxiety says u wont, but i guess we'll see). And also I'm trying to complete a fuckton of assignments for school rn.

I'm sorry for these shit excuses, but heres the first 5 chapters, I hope you have enjoyed and maybe want to read more when I feel like writing.

ps. this chapter wasn't edited very well and I apologise profusely for it

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