Chapter One: A False Hatred

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Oct 3, 2020

POV: Germany 

I woke up at three-thirty in the morning without changing the clock. I sit there remembering the searing pain. I watched as back in 1955 my brother got hit by a train. We had playing by the tracks when a train came out of nowhere and hit him in the head he was taken to the hospital and was in a coma for year until 1990. The Berlin wall came down and he woke up he had aged an we had one year together before he dissolved and we became the whole Germany but I got his wacko vision so I took his glasses as a memorial to him. One of the last thing before he went was to "Run, flee, hide the school will protect you for quite sometime." When he did I booked it I grabbed all my stuff including my mini German Shepherd, Frederick the only truly good part of my family.

I flashed back to the deathbed of my Great-Grandfather Prussia, he was a feared man for his wing were known cross the land. He told me that he didn't trust my father and that when I could say the words next to him and Prussia's work would be complete. Prussia gather everyone including his son German Empire, slowly Germany said the words as he did Prussia's withered wing poofed and Germany felt a prick on his back. Everyone stood in shock and Germany asked "Father whats wrong, did I do something bad?"The entire family turned to Third soon the German started wailing on everyone around him and slashed Germany down the arm. West as he was known grabbed his brother than ran.

East was staring at him with admiration and West finally huffed out "W-what is it" East simple said your wing look pretty. West froze and looked behind him to see Prussia wings on him but not feeble and old but shiny and replenished. I stretched them out and they look so cool. They went home and went to bed and the memory faded out.

Narrator POV

Germany stopped to look at his clock and decided he should eat something and leave. He grabbed a protein shake and apple then finished packing and left. He tucked his wings into his shirt and flattened them out and shrunk them down. He grabbed the book he was reading it was about his great-grandfathers best friend Poland-Lithuania. Despite what most countries believe they were for along time best friend until Austria forced Prussia to attack him with Russia. When Poland-Lithuania retired Prussia let him stay at his house and they lived together they partied had fun. When he died Prussia was devastated but then he heard a few minute later that his great grandchild Germany was born. Prussia was semi-superstitious and believed it to be a sign. Prussia and Poland-Lithuania used to fly together they would compete to see who could fly from Paris to Moscow the fastest when they were in there 20's. Germany realized the bus got on and boarded still reading his book and just sat down.

Meanwhile at Poland's house

POV: Narrator

                 Poland woke up groaning, his sleep disrupted by the alarm blaring at him. He rolled over slowly mumbling" What is it now." 

POV: Poland

I looked down at the screen before me and my eyes widened I almost hung up on Hungary. I answered Hungary spoke " Poland you up-"

"Yes Hungary, why did you call at this time in the morning?"

Hungary calmly spoke"To make sure that you changed you clock back"


Hungary snickered "Today's the *giggle* day we set the clocks back" I looked over the clock said 8:45 that when school starts. The gear suddenly start to shift when I realize.

"Ohhhhh I'm not late" I made sure I was right yeah I'm not late... yet. I sighed "Well time to get ready" 

Hungary then yelled at Czechia and Slovakia to "Get your bums moving bus is here in 5 minutes!"

"Shoot" I rushed up and jumped out of bed I ran and woke up my father. 2nd Polish Republic or Poland the First and his brother Peoples Republic of Poland (aka Commie Poland) or Uncle PRL(Looked it up actual nickname weird right?). I rush back to my room. It's finally Spring o what a beautiful time of year I change and brush my teeth quickly. As I'm heading out the door I grab my phone and a kanapka. 

I made it just in time for the bus to pull in. I hopped back to the rest of my friends. When I sat down I started looking at social media and Russia AND America's family were stuck at the airport and while there comical fashion got into a fight. I started to scroll away when I realize that that means Germany is going to be alone. "Yes" I whisper to myself. I waited around a few minute until I saw Germany sitting at his bus stop reading a book. He so invested in that book that he doesn't realize hes in the row right in front of me...

Words in other languages

Kanapka: Polish word for Sandwich (at least i believe tell me if I'm wrong okay

Also remember small edits to history not all this is fact needs to melt in with the story.

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