Chapter 4

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Zoe's POV

"Spill," Marie demanded.
I finally had the chance to tell my best friend everything. I had so much to tell her. I told her about the mall, Giovanni, and Justin's house.
"Giovanni is back. Here. He's. Back," Marie stuttered as tears started swelling in her eyes.
"No, you are not going to cry over a boy who hurt you. He used you. He isn't worth a penny, when you are worth gold. Don't show him what he wants. You are stronger than that. We are stronger than that." I state and wipe her tears away.
"You're right. My best friend is the best!"
"Isn't she?" I smirk.
We both start laughing as she pulls up in my drive way.
"Wanna hangout?" I ask.
We both walk inside my house to find boxes all over the place.
"Mom!" I yell.
She walks into the dining room while saying,"what?"
"What is," I move my hands around in a swift motion showing her all the boxes. "This?"
"We're moving. Father and I were thinking about it and we decided to move to New York to be closer with you. You can still decide to have a dorm or not but, we want to be there for you and we can't if we're across the U.S."
"But, I love this house. I grew up here. This is home!" I explain.
"Mom, can't you keep this house and buy the other house and have two houses?" Marie asks.
"Well, why would we want to pay for two houses if we're only going to be at one most of the time?"
Marie doesn't answer. Neither do I. I run outside and down the street back to the skatepark. The skatepark was also my hiding place. My second home. I know I left Marie there but, it's also her second home. I won't be able to stand not going home, if it's not actually MY home.
I was left with my thoughts for about 10 minutes until I heard someone's foot steps coming closer and closer to me. I looked up to see Giovanni.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asks and sits down.
"Well, I know that Marie wants nothing to do with me because I apparently used her but, I don't get why. I only kissed her," Giovanni explained.
I squint my eyes and look into his chocolate brown eyes.
"Doesn't matter. You used her and she fell in love. In the end, she ended up in more pain than I did. And I had something worse. Guess I never truly loved him," I get up and walk away.
I hadn't needed to give him an explanation. Him and Justin did what they did and for that, Marie and I can't forgive.
Marie's POV

Zoe has been gone for about an hour. I'm starting to get worried. I know she went to the skatepark but, what if something happened to her. I called and texted her about 10 times each but, I've been sent to voicemail every time. That's it, I'm going to go look for her.
By the time I've looked around the entire skatepark, I'm freaking out. Where the hell is she? It's just a house. Well, a house with memories and a past. I sit down on the swings at the play ground and think.
-Meeting Zoe. We both lived in the same neighborhood. We were both 5.
-Last day of high school. I literally cried. I'm going to miss all my good friends from there.
-Meeting Giovanni. I only met him about a year ago. Close friend to Justin. He used me, that's that.

I sit there for about 20 more minutes until I get up.
"Wait, is that Giovanni?" I scream inside.
I don't think twice. I get up and run back towards Zoe's house.
"Wait, Marie! Wait!" He calls after me.
I don't 'wait' though, I'm outside of the skatepark and down the street already.
"He's not worth a penny," Zoe told me.
I listen to her. She's my best friend and she went through more than me.
When I get back to Zoe's, the lights are out. I try opening the door but, it's locked. I get out my key and open it.
There's Zoe.
"Where have you been?!"
She looks at me and I already know she has been crying, nonstop.
"What's wrong?" I whisper as I walk over to the couch and embrace her into a hug.
"I-I-I," She starts.
I stop her and wrap my arms around her tighter.
"I was raped," she cries.
I don't say anything. I know the feeling, it's happened to me too. I stand up and walk Her and I into her room. We get our pajamas on and brush our teeth and hair. I put 'Neighbors' on and we sit on her bed and lean against the wall. We watched movies until we fell asleep.

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