Chapter 3

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(Jordan's POV)

As I rode towards the quiet Swedish town, I began thinking of what possibly could compel China to basically declare war on the U.S and allies, even if the kingdoms were enemies. I continued riding along, carefully staying in territory that belonged to my allies, singing a song silently to myself.

Eventually I arrived at my destination of the inviting looking Swedish kingdom. I rode my horse to the castle gates where a guard immediately saw me and opened the gates to let me in.
(3rd person POV)

The guards of the Swedish kingdom had already notified their king of Jordan's arrival, so when the king of Scotland walked into Dan's throne room, Dan was sitting attentively, waiting for Jordan's entrance. Dan wore an all black outfit with a yellow crown adorned with a black bat in the middle.

"Nice to see you again Jordan, why have you come to my kingdom today? I suspect there is news to be delivered?" Dan asked as a swung a hand towards a plush yellow chair, offering Jordan to take a seat.

"Sadly it is bad news. China and its allies have been up to no good again. Chinese soldiers recently chased James into Russian territory as he was traveling to my kingdom." Jordan answered as he sat down in the chair, knowing this would be a rather long issue to discuss.
(Sly POV)

Sitting upon my throne, I waited for the arrival of Kevin, Nick, Dex, and Steven, leaders of Japan, France, Britain, and Canada. I had declared myself in charge of this rather unstable alliance, pulling each of our five countries together and helping them grow stronger. Recently I have ordered raids on the other kingdoms, wanting to gain more land for each of our own growing kingdoms.

Suddenly my thoughts were cut short as two figures were led into the throne room and went to their respective seats. The first of the pair had unruly black hair, a light brown crown decorated with red white and blue gems and a dark blue shirt, white pants and a dark red cape. This was Nick, ruler of the sophisticated France. The second man to enter was shorter than Nick with curly brown hair dressed in red and white clothes with a white crown that had a red maple leaf on it. This man was Steven, or Ze, leader of the calm kingdom of Canada.

"Welcome back gentlemen, I trust you found your way alright?" I asked the two rulers as they took a seat.

"Yes, though the snow has been continuing to pile up around more of the territories to the north." Nick answered, Steven nodding in agreement to Nick's statement.

"Good goo-" I said, before getting cut off by the entrance of the last two members of the alliance.

The first wore a gold and silver regal looking outfit, a silver crown atop his head of black hair, the crown decorated with round shaped red gems. This man was Kevin, the youngest of all of the leaders that I knew of and led Japan. The second man had black hair as well and wore a white and dark purple outfit with a long purple cape and a white crown with purple gems decorating it. This was Dexter, or Dex for short, and was the most unsophisticated out of the whole alliance and led the British kingdom.
(3rd person POV)

"So, today we will be discussing our attack plans against each of the other kingdoms." Sly said, beginning the meeting between the five rulers.

"What if we started by cutting Scotland's kingdom from communicating with the other kingdoms because Jordan seems to be the leader of that entire alliance." Nick suggested from where he sat at the table, the other leaders nodding in agreement, even Sly.

"Sounds good, but we could go farther and blockade and hopefully weaken one of their most important allies," Sly said then continued to say, "And this kingdom would be the U.S of course." an evil grin appearing on the leader of China's face, knowing that the U.S imported most of its materials.

"My army can can block the northern borders of the kingdom without having to stray onto any other kingdom's land." Steven spoke up from where he sat to the left of Sly.

"And mine can block the western portion off, but as for the east and south and don't know what we could do without going into Russian or Irish land" Kevin added in.

"We will figure that issue out later, but for now, Steven and Kevin mobilize your army and Dex and Nick try and cut off as much communication as you can between Scotland and its allies." Sly said, the other leaders nodding in agreement.

"And what will your role be in this plan?" Dex spoke up as he stood up, preparing to leave.

"I will be traveling to Sweden to try and convince them to stay neutral and Russia to see if Aleks will send in some supplies to us, or maybe and even convince him to switch to our side." Sly said, before sending the other four leaders off with a wave of his hand.
(Seamus POV)

I knew that James had arrived to my kingdom a few moments ago due to a guard passing information to me, but the reason for his unexpected arrival I did not know. I stopped my pacing and straightened the green and white crown and brushed anything that may have gathered onto my white shirt and light orange pants and pulled my green cape closer to my body just as the door to the throne room was pushed open and James walked in.

The leader of the U.S's whole demeanor seemed tired from either stress or lack of sleep or something completely different. James' red crown and black crown sat askew on his head off and his maroon colored shirt and royal blue pants seemed less clean than I would expect and his white cape with gold stars hung loosely on his shoulders.

"Good to see you James, would you like to take a seat?" I asked the tired looking man who nodded, silently thanking me for the offer.
(3rd person POV)

"I'm sorry to burst in on you so unexpected but the news I have to give you is rather urgent." James began as soon as he and Seamus had taken a seat.

"Has your land been attacked James, or is this just your natural look now?" Seamus asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Haha how funny Seamus. And no, my kingdom has not been attacked yet,officially, but Britain has seemed to increase guards on their borders and made it very clear that I could not travel along their border to get here so I had to go through the mountains to arrive." James said, gripping the chair armrests as answered the Irish leader. "Along with the British being assholes, the Chinese have been attempting to make moves on my territory so I came to warn you of these actions."

"Well thank you very much James. Will there be any meetings between you, the others and I about the issue?" Seamus asked, tapping his fingers on the armrest of his throne.

"I plan to. I think meeting in Russian territory because of its vastness and many good meeting places, plus we are all mostly bordering Russia, but I forgot to suggest this to Jordan for him to tell Dan so looks like I'll be taking another journey to Scotland and possibly Sweden." James said with a sigh and a roll of his eyes. "But, plan to meet me at the southern edge of Russian territory next Tuesday at the highest point of the sun and we can travel to Aleks' castle together." James continued as he stood up.

"Sounds like a good plan. Maybe then I'll actually get some information about every other country for once." Seamus muttered under his breath before standing up as well, shook James' hand in goodbye and walked to his living quarters to think over the issue at hand in peace.
A/N I am so terribly sorry for not updating until now! I haven't really had much inspiration or any push in updating this. A lot has been going on over the many months since I last updated and it just caused me not to want to update this. I'm sorry, but I really hope to try and get another chapter up in the next few days. I also hope to get a map of all the territories up and quick colored(maybe) sketches of the guys. I think the only ones I haven't described are Aleks and Sly, but that should be coming in the next chapter! :3 I also will be trying to find a new cover, but I would have to wait and make sure the artist is alright in me using their art.
Names for both sides:
-The Critters
-Sly, Kevin, Steven, Dex, and Nick

-The Creatures
-Jordan, Dan, James, Seamus, and Aleks

These names may change if I think of something more creative(if yall have any suggestions feel free to tell me!)
Happy reading guys!(Also I really like this song and listened to it while writing and I like how it goes with this chapter, in my opinion at least):3

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