Ch7 Time To Be A Ninja

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A harsh buzz cut through the silent room, waking Mirou from his slumber. The sudden noise made him sit up in bed with a jolt, and quickly search for the clock in a sleep driven daze. He shut off the dreaded machine before trying to rub the sleep from his eyes and swinging his feet over the side of the bed. He got dressed and made his way downstairs where he groggily started to make breakfast. Nearly two weeks had passed and it was the day before their final exams, and Mirou thought that it would be a good idea to wake up early. However as he sat down at the breakfast table at 6:22 in the morning, Mirou started to regret his earlier actions.

It was a good ten minutes before Sasuke made his way downstairs. He, much like Mirou, also had the idea to wake up early today, however clearly at a much more reasonable time. A look of amusement flashed across Sasuke's face as he walked over to the table where his cousin was slowly dozing off. He quietly entered the kitchen and took two small cooking pans before tiptoeing behind Mirou. He slowly raised the pains over his head, smirking in anticipation.

"Rise and shine!"


Mirou yelped and fell out of his chair, completely caught off guard by the loud noises. Sasuke snorted while trying to hold in his laughter at the sorry state of his cousin. Once Mirou got over his shock, he glared daggers at Sasuke before getting up, fixing his chair, and sitting back down in a huff. Sasuke was still trying not to laugh when ha also sat down.

"Aren't you mad?" He asked smugly. Mirou glared at him briefly before turning his head to the side.

"Oh I'm mad, but I'm to tired to yell at you right now. I'll do something about it later," He answered.

Mirou finished his breakfast and went to go get ready for school.

"And I'm making nattō for dinner," He called out from the front door.

Sasuke rolled his eyes before following in his cousin's footsteps. If one night of having nattō was the only punishment he got for something so hilarious, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

The rest of the day had Mirou bouncing his leg with anxiety. His head was all muttled with the leftovers of sleep in the morning, so it didn't hit him until now that the exams were tomorrow. He knew that with Sasuke helping him over the past few weeks he would be able to pass, but their were to many 'what if's' going through his head. Trying to shake off his anxieties, Mirou desided to focus on his review rather than his troublesome thoughts. A short time passed before a ninja entered the classroom and whispered something into Iruka's ear. Iruka sighed before turning to face the class.

"I have some urgent matters to attend to right now, but I will be back shortly so please try to focus on your work," He said and then exited the classroom. The second that the doors shut, the class erupted into whispers and chatter. Mirou looked to Sasuke who shrugged, clearly having no idea what their teacher was talking about ether.

"Probably Naruto," sasuke answered. Mirou nodded and looked ahead of him to the single empty seat in the entire class.

"Yeah, I think I heard him say something about paint and some big prank," Mirou mused. As if on cue, Iruka came back into the classroom holding a tied up Naruto. He placed the blond on the floor before giving him a stern look.

"Now listen Naruto, you failed the last graduation test, and the one before that. This is no time to be goofing off you fool!"

Naruto simply turned his head in defiance, causing Iruka to become more irritated. He turned his attention away from Naruto and instead started pointing at the rest of the class.

"We will have a re-test on the transformation jutsu! Even those who already passed will take it!" He yelled.

The class collectively groaned as they started to line up at the front of the class. The first person to go up was a pink haired girl - Sakura as Mirou remembered.

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