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Although it felt as though Harley was messing around with her boss Roger in Egypt by leaving and returning so much, he assured her she wasn't. At the end of the second wizarding war, Roger along with Harley, Asa and a few other cursebreakers were offered higher paid jobs in England rather than staying in Egypt. The Goblins believed that their expertise was better to be placed in England and some fresh faces were to take over in Egypt. So, once again, Harley permanently move back to England.

She and Bill moved into a cottage which was previously owned by Bill's aunt. Bill had been staying there briefly during the war and had Ron, Hermione, Harry, Luna Lovegood and a few other people take shelter there with him partially. Shell Cottage was a solitary house near a beach but it provided a beautiful surrounding for the new family to start and grow.

Baby Niall's nursery was quickly formed in one of the smaller bedrooms, toys which were gifts from their family and friends, scattered everywhere and Molly's knitted garments were slowly piling up as she went mad under the appearance of her first grandchild and even for Teddy, Remus and Tonks' baby.

Remus and Tonks were often visitors to Shell Cottage as the two babies babbled and napped together leaving the adults to talk and discuss the babies too. Lyall Lupin, often joined them too. He wasn't quite expecting two babies to join his family quite so soon. Belle revelled at no longer being the youngest Lupin and she certainly enjoyed the older sister role for Teddy and the godmother role for her baby cousin.

However, it was safe to say, Sirius wasn't very adjusted to the idea of two Lupin babies. It seemed all too surreal and made him yearn for his own baby with Madison (who was a great auntie to both babies as well).

"So Teddy takes after his mother?" Asked Harley as she peered over at the two baby boys who were rolling around on the floor, Niall not quite able to sit up yet as was laying against Teddy's lap who was sat up proudly.

"Definitely, his hair never stays one colour for too long and he is rather cheeky." Remus told her as he sipped his tea, "with his mother being Dora and his relation to Padfoot, between you and I, I'm dreading his teenage years!"

"He won't be that bad, I'm sure, but you're making yourself seem like a diamond. I know all about your mischievous side, Remus, you were no angel!"

"And who did you gain that information from? Information which I am happy to tell you is incorrect."

Harley chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Sirius and Maddie would say otherwise. Even Evangeline and Regulus said so too. So don't try and pull some wool over my eyes, cousin, your just as much of a bad influence as Tonks and Sirius are!"

Remus pointed his chin to the ceiling and shook his head. He begged to differ, but the realisation set in that she was correct. Then it also suddenly settled in that it was likely that Teddy and Niall will be best friends for life. It then settled in that Niall had Weasley blood. They would be a terrible duo and he hoped Professor McGonagall had enough stamina and energy in her to cope when they get to Hogwarts.

"How are you anyway?" Asked Remus, "hows motherhood for you?" 

"It's different. I don't think I'm doing it right, if I am honest."

"Harley, I'm sure you're doing just fine. Do what you think is best and go from there. Trust me, you have enough experience of what a wrong mother looks like and does, so I'm sure you're doing everything right." Remus patted her knee, "anyway, I best be off, Andromeda has requested me and Teddy spend the afternoon with her whilst Dora is at work."

Harley nodded and bade her cousins goodbye, kissing the baby on the head and scooping Niall up into her arms to wave goodbye to Remus and Teddy on the doorstep. As she shut the door, immediately her demeanour dropped, she was no longer happy, clappy mummy Harley.

She hadn't been left completely alone with Niall before. Someone always came to the house just before Bill left for work (Harley was on maternity leave) and they stayed until Bill came home or when they left someone else straight away arrived.

Harley looked down at her son and he stared up at her with his bright grey eyes and with a toothless smile. She carried him into the kitchen and gently put him into his high chair and prepared a bottle. She didn't breastfeed him, she didn't like the idea of doing so and so she held the bottle as he ducks on the teet of it. Once he was done she burped him and then took him to his nursery and put him in the cot for a nap.

When she returned downstairs she sighed in relief. If she was not on her own, dealing with Niall was a lot easier. Alone with him and she felt foreign in her own home.

It didn't even feel like he was hers.

She just felt as if she was permanently babysitting.

Welcome to "Can't be Hidden", the sequel to Hidden Secrets. If you haven't done so already, please read Hidden Secrets it won't make sense otherwise. I hope you enjoy this and continue on the journey with Harley, Bill and Niall. 🧡

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