Commander Role For Idiots

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If our brief overview of the commander role didn't help this for sure will stick to that small brain of yours!

As the commander you get access to calling in 5 different types of fire support. From your good old artillery, to A-10's freaken strafing your enemies into oblivion!

Here's how each of these work if your ears are ringing.

Smoke Artillery:(4 Call In's)
Smoke don't scare your enemy as they used to, but don't let it deceive you. This can just be, as deadly as its other counter part. This can be use to mask your troops movement in a large area compared to your average smoke grenade. This will blind your enemies letting your team to pull of some ninja stuff, or just trying to get past a choke point.

Advise: Wearing your gas mask in the smoke won't make you cough. Use this to pull of some sneaky ninja shit on your enemy. Also call the smoke on the enemy, not on your team!

Explosive Artillery:(4 Call in's before munitions run out)
Your good old artillery. Not much to say to you commander, but call this in on a insurgent occupied building, and watch them cower behind a corner as explosive shells fall from the air on top of their heads.

Tip: It takes time for artillery shells to make it to its targeted area, so plan where your calling it in, or it will hit nothing, as the insurgents already left the area. Also don't run into your artillery!

A-10 Thunderbolt Strafing Run(2 Strafings per team)
Watch as you hear the buurrt of the 30mm Gau-8 Avenger tear the insurgents butts wide open. This will call in 1 strafing run on a designated spot, but expect its lane of fire to be random. So take cation if its danger close.
(also theirs other teams out there and its not just you, so that's why theirs only 1 strafing run per call in, and its a waste of munitions if your just wasting it on empty fields)

Advise: Compared to the long wait time of the artillery, the Thunderbolt comes in faster, so you can expect fast and easy CAS to save your butts in a short period of time compare to a grandpa speed of artillery shells. Remember to say thank you to the pilot after he finishes his run as well!

Blackhawk Minigun Support:(1 call in, as Cleric is helping other teams as well)
Cleric is your good old blackhawk pilot raining minigun bullets from above. Compared to our G&K counterpart, ours is superior in the way we use our helicopters! Cleric will patrol a large area of effect on the designated target area and spray bullets in the direction of your enemy. Just make sure he doesn't get shot down by a RPG or rocket of any kind.
(Your not the only team who needs Cleric!)

Tip: Cleric can't see behind his helicopter, so expect a rocket to come in behind if an insurgent pulls one out. Also the rotors are vulnerable to small arms fire and don't forget that himself and the gunners and get killed.

Apache Gunship:(1 Per team, as ordinance isn't cheap.)
See Assassin rain down hell with her hellfire rockets, and spray bits of human pieces into the air with her 30mm. Unlike Cleric she only patrols a small area, and her ordinance is much more deadly. She can't see as much as Cleric, and will run out of ordinance much faster.

Advise: Remember to throw her a good party after her run, and to not call her on top of your position. Her rockets will land on you, so call it on tbe enemy!

That's what you can call in! Remember to be weary of Danger Close calls, and to yell at your team at where your calling it in.

As the commander its important to push with your team and not suck on your toes letting them do all of the work unlike those G&K commanders....

Make sure your observer is with you, and to pull your weight as a soldier shooting the bad guys as your other teammates. Your binoculars are specially made with a designating targeting laser to call in your fire support, so say thank you to the people who invented the idea, as our guys would have to be using maps and coordinates like its the 1940's.

This is the complete overview of being a commander! Remember to not kill yourself with your fire support, and to kick those G&K Commanders in the butts and show them how to really lead soldiers on the battlefield.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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