Delivery Boys

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"Y-Y-YOU'RE GOING THE W-WRONG WAY, Y-YOU MORON!" Waver shouted over the thunderous wind, knuckles whiter than his face as he clung to the side of Rider's massive chariot.

"NONSENSE, MY BOY! THIS IS A SHORTCUT!" the giant of a man bellowed with laughter, taking one hand off the chariot reigns in order to give Waver a friendly pat on the back. Or at least, to him it was a friendly pat on the back. Waver instantly felt the air get crushed out of his lungs and it was all he could do not to collapse and accidentally let go of the side of the chariot.

"Oompf!" he instead gasped, knees buckling under the weight of Rider's heavy hand.

"HAHAHAHA!" Rider turned his head to grin down at the smaller boy, totally unaware of the distress he was causing him. "Ahh! NOTHING QUITE LIKE A GOOD OLD-FASHIONED DINNER RUSH, EH, BOY?!" he continued to bellow, still smiling down at the diminutive and angry Waver with a grin that spread from ear to ear. It would've made the Cheshire Cat jealous.

Before either he, or Waver, could say anything, though, a blaring car horn interrupted.

"Hey! Keep your eyes on the road, idiot!" Waver shrieked, anger and terror in his voice, knuckles growing even whiter as he somehow managed to grip the side of the chariot even harder. "You psychopath! You're gonna get us both killed!" To say that Rider was a crazy driver was the understatement of the century. Already, he'd pulled off 20-odd daredevil moves that would've gotten a normal person utterly crushed, and probably deserved at least 28 tickets and arrest warrants. Not for the first time did Waver wonder if it would be possible to use a Command Seal to make Rider less of a thickheaded moron.

"Oh, nonsense!" Rider waved a dismissive hand, still not bothering to pay attention to the road ahead. "The bulls know where we're going! We can leave the watch duty to them!"

"Keep. Your. Eyes. On. The. ROAD!" Waver shouted up at Rider, face now tinting red with anger. The boy was so angry he briefly considered using a Command Seal to get Rider to listen. But of course, he wasn't going to actually do something that stupid. He wasn't the idiot here, Rider was. He was acting like a drunken reveler right now despite being completely sober!

"Oh, come now, boy! Where's the fun in that?" Rider laughed again, throwing back his head richly, fiery mane ruffling in the wind. It was still whizzing past them at a terrifying speed, but while it was threatening to blow Waver clean off the chariot and across four lanes of traffic, Rider hardly even seemed to notice it at all.

"We're breezing through such a beautiful city! Why miss any of the sights focusing on the boring road ahead?" he continued to shout.

At the same time, another horn blared off to the side, this time accompanied by screeching tires.

"THAT'S WHY!" Waver shrieked again, lurching as the chariot suddenly swerved to avoid hitting the honking car.

"Oh, don't worry! My bulls have excellent maneuvering capability!" Rider boasted, tossing a proud smile to the large beasts pulling his chariot through the city street. Waver, meanwhile, nearly sank to his knees again trying to control his stomach.

The chariot continued to lurch and sway treacherously as Rider continued to drive them in the worst possible way down the worst possible roads. It was like he was trying to find the roads with the sharpest turns! Despite Waver's instruction, Rider did as he pleased and chose all the exciting roads just for "funsies". Rather than choosing the fast or safe choices, Rider always went with the most exciting, Waver's directions all but lost under the howling wind. At least three more horns sounded off as the bulls continued to charge wildly through the city streets.

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