New Game (Contest Entry)

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    For TeruTategami and her writing contest, even if I don't win anything it'll have been fun to write! I've been wanting to write a backstory for Genesis for a while now, anyway.
    TW: Curse words/Strong language, slight gore

    Word count: 4380

    Though crime had been reduced to basically nothing thanks to the work (and presence, really) of the Pro Hero All Might, there was definitely still need for Pros; People with quirks who weren't afraid to face a villain if the world's #1 couldn't be there. It was finally time for Genesis to be among them, to show the world who she was as a real hero, not just a U.A. student with a licence to fight crime, but a fully-trained hero that could make an impact on the world. She couldn't help but dream of where she could possibly go in the world now, who would want to hire her for her abilities and her quirk, what life would be like from now on, and how much it would change from her life as a student at U.A.
    Well, so far, the hero life was... For the most part, sitting in her apartment in Japan and playing video games. Technically working, since finishing more games gave Genesis more options to use her quirk, but it wasn't really hero work to the naked eye. Even to her it didn't seem much like she was a hero. Every time a villain attacked, she was left behind as the older, more-experienced heroes took them down in a matter of minutes. She couldn't find the confidence to jump in and make herself part of the action, and they certainly weren't going to invite her right in, when even fighting crime and saving innocents was a competition.
    As Genesis sat in front of her bed, eyes glued to the TV screen with her focus completely held, her phone suddenly sprang to life with a phone call, and she nearly threw her controller in alarm. "Sonuvabitch..." She grumbled, picking up her phone and ignoring the GAME OVER screen on the television. "Hello?"
"Hey," her friend's voice responded over the speaker. It was a fellow pro hero, first name Obake, and the one she had interned with in her early days of being a student. At least ten years older than her, and maybe fifty years older in maturity, now she was just a good friend. "So, first month as a real Pro Hero! How is it?"
"Boring," Genesis rolled her eyes. "I haven't really done anything yet. I may as well still be a student, honestly."
"Huh..." Obake went quiet. "Is it maybe because you haven't been trying?"
Genesis scoffed, "Rude! You think I want to be sitting in my apartment all day and trying to call myself a hero? What the hell?"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted this, more than anybody." Obake said. "I'm just saying, I haven't really seen you on TV at all yet - And you know those greedy news companies are like vultures when it comes to villain attacks, so don't hit me with the, Oh, I did have a successful fight, they just didn't catch it."
"I just... I don't know, every time I try to jump into one and help out, I feel... Scared? It was so much easier when I was in a school, but something's holding me back now, and I really can't convince myself to go be a hero... That bad?"
Obake smiled and gave a sigh, "You're nervous about being a Pro Hero for the first time, because people are really going to start paying attention to you now that you're not just a student. A.K.A, literally every hero on the planet." She teased. "Don't worry about it, kid. I can't tell you how to get over your nervousness, because everyone is different. I, for one, had no problem jumping into a fight for the first time-"
"No one likes a show-off." Genesis interrupted.
"My point being... You're just gonna have to bite the bullet and force yourself to get in on the action. A lot of heroes move to save somebody without thinking about what they're doing or what the consequences are gonna be, and there hasn't been a lot of super-serious villainy lately, so maybe that's what you need to get your name out there. An innocent person in such a dangerous situation that you won't even think about how you'll look when you go in to save them."
Genesis digested her friend's words with a small nod, "I... Never thought about it that way before." She admitted. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
"No problem. I gotta go," Obake then said. "I'll see you around, kid. Don't worry, you'll get your time to shine one day or another." Her voice got distant as she added, Or something along those lines, I guess.
"Alright, thanks for that." Genesis responded with a small laugh. "Bye," she added, hanging up the phone and setting it down. Move without thinking? She thought. Run right in to save somebody? ...It makes so much sense, but if I can't even save somebody in a casual situation, I don't know how I'm going to do it in a serious one.

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