2. fixed up

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It's about midnight, and the rain is already started. These 2 people we're sneaking into the dump stale, like looking for something. They two looks busy looking for something on the dump stale until one of them yelling

"Yo, look at this! I found something cool" said the one with blonde hair, calling out for his red-haired friend

"Ugh, I swear Anku if you waste my time because ducky toys again I'm gonna shut you down" the red-haired guy seems annoyed

Anku, the blonde guy chuckled, "no seriously I found something cool! It's a good looking android but losing 1 arm, it seems he just gotten throw up a few hours ago"

The red-haired guy seems interested with the Android, then he searches up something near that place

"Whatcha doing, Araki?" Anku asked confused

"I'm gonna looking for a good arm, we'll take him home" Anku nods happily and help Araki for looking a good arm


Model RK500
Serial# : 131 039 995

Nqrse starts to open his eyes slowly, try to adjust with the brightness

"Oh!? Araki-san Araki-san!! He's awake!!"

Nqrse gasped, looks shocked when he saw the blonde guy in front of him, "w-who are you?! Where am I!!?" He scream like he was getting kidnapped, makes the blonde guy annoyed

"Geez, calm down buddy, you're too loud" Anku said while covering his ears. The red-haired guy comes into the room while bringing some Thirium for Nqrse

"Oh, you're awake? Sorry that guy is very annoying if he found something new" Araki giggled while putting the Thirium in the table beside Nqrse

"Geez shut up!" Anku yelling, makes Araki giggles more

Nqrse still didn't understand the situation. "Where am I? Why am I alive again??" Nqrse look at the person in front of him

"Ex..cuse me?" Nqrse interrupting, makes the blond guy look at him, "sorry, but, where am I?"

" Araki's house. He's the one who brought you here" Anku said, softly smiled.

"I see," Nqrse said, and then he starts starting at Anku from the head to toes, observing anything that he can

Anku realized he getting stared, as a reflection, he walks back with a scarred face, "o-oi! What are you doing!? We're both male stop observing me!!"

(Can I said Anku is a little bit stupid here?)

Nqrse still staring and now he stared to the eyes, makes Anku feel more uncomfortable

"W-what!?" Anku said, Nqrse then shakes his head as he said 'nothing'

"Are you... Human?" Nqrse ask, but he stared with a horrible look as if he wanted to kill him

"N-no, I'm an Android" Anku said, makes Nqrse surprised

"Deviant?" Anku nods, slowly.

"Did you get destroyed too?" Nqrse ask, curious about the guy in front of him

Anku shakes his head, "No. I was running from my owner and I hide near here. And then Araki found me and he brought me here" softly, Anku smiled again

"Why did you become a deviant?" Nqrse keeps asking. He can't resist his curiosity, it's been his habit since he's an Android detective

"Nah, not pretty much, just my owner keep abusing me, and then I tried to fight back. Gladly I've not killed him, so I run before something bad happens to me or my owner" Anku looks sad when he told his past, then he raised his head, "how about you buddy? You're a police right? Why did you become a deviant?"

Nqrse looks down for a little bit, "I almost killed some cops, because, at that night, I told them to not hurt the deviant. But then, they shoot him in front of my eyes. I feel guilty to him because I promise nobody can hurt him. I'm sick seeing every Android getting shut down by my own eyes. So I tried to shoot the cops and breaking the command, gladly I shoot him in the shield. After that, they shoot me just like they shoot the deviant"

"Ouch, that's seems hurt" both of them turned to the source of the sound, it's the red-haired guy, calmy stare while sipping his glass of Apple juice

(Even this is an AU, I still gonna use the iconic things of the utaite lol)

"You guys talk so fun, did you already know each other?" Gulp, he has the point. From the starts, Nqrse and Anku chit-chatting without knowing the name

"Aaah right! I'm Un:c(Anku), just an ordinary housekeeping android haha. And that's Araki, he's a human but don't worry, he's nice" Anku said while laughing so cheerful

Nqrse put a flat face as he said 'oh', "I'm Nqrse(Naruse). Well, actually, I'm a housekeeping android same as you" once Anku opening his mouth, Nqrse continues his sentence

"But my owner train me so he can make me his personal assistant android at the crime scene. He said he loves me but he didn't look for me after they dump me"

Nqrse really looks so down, his little light on his forehead turns to red. He's really angry and disappointed with Luz. Anku and Araki look each other, and then turned back to Nqrse

"It's okay, if he didn't want you anymore, you can lives here with us!" Anku said, he looks so happy and excited, since he's always alone when Araki go to work

Nqrse looks at them as his face said 'really!?'. Anku nods happily, and then Nqrse turn to Araki

"Well, I don't mind if you really wanna be friend with this annoying brat," Araki said, and get a punch from Anku

"O-okay then, thanks for having me," Nqrse said with a smile. He never felt so happy like this, but the other side, Araki's got a little blush on his cheeks

The three of them were having fun now. Chit chatting, and playing games together. Nqrse feel so happy, since he doesn't play a lot back then

But the other place, Luz, got back to the office with a messy look. Meychan notice that of course, so he ask Luz to go to his office first so nobody can see him and ask him anything

"What happen?!" Meychan asks, Luz looks so disappointed. He can't find his android anywhere, he already searches every spot on the dump stale but he can't find him

"I lost him, I can't find Naruse anywhere! I've been searching for every spot on the dump stale from that night until now, I can't find him!" Luz began to crying, Meychan who saw that then giving him a tissue

"What should I do?" while sobbing, he wipes his tears with the tissue. Meychan have no idea, he didn't know how to help because the android is already broken, so the GPS and the software didn't work

But, Meychan thinks of something, "Chief, what about we're making the new one?"

"What? How? If it can, they'll never be the same as Naruse"

"Don't worry chief, trust me, I promise it will be same"

God has lent some of their power ahsgshsjsjsj I still can't believe I can make this, once again sorry for my broken grammar

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