6. conflict

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"Oh my fucking god you must be kidding me right?!"

Anku began to punch Nqrse's head, "hey watch the language"

"What is your problem? You're the one who usually swore much than I am"

Anku give a big sigh, "why're we here again?"

Okay, so both of them were hiding in the bush inside Araki's garden in front of his house, hiding like they're a thief while actually they're not

"Wait, is that your owner? And who's that brunette guy with him?!"

"Its.. Lieutenant Meychan, a friend of my owner at his office and also his partner on the crime scene. But why're they here--"

Alright let me clear the situation. Let's throw back a little, shall we?

Right before Nqrse and Anku came home, Araki come to his home earlier than he expect that he thought he'll be home late

But then, Meychan and Luz come to his home for a 'little' visit

*knock knock*

Araki open the door and saw those 2 guys standing in front of his door

And, Meychan start showing his identity card. "You're Araki? We're from Tokyo police, hands up you're under Arrest"

Araki groan a little bit, "what are you a middle schooler? Stop playing police, you're not even in a crime scene idiot"

(But they're a police, Araki...)

Araki chops Meychan's head and giggles, while Meychan is groaning

"So, what's up? Its rare you guys come to here? I thought you were busy working" Araki giggles, also Meychan

"What? We're here for the bbq isnt it?-- AKH-" Luz start pinch Meychan's arm

"Its saturday idiot, not now" Luz giggles

"Nah of course I'm just kidding, I know it was Saturday. Anyway, we need your help Araki"

"If it was about Android, thanks I'm not gonna take it" Araki was about leave and close the door but Meychan hold the door before Araki close it

"Aww come on bro, we're best friend please help your bestie here" Meychan beg, he start using his puppy face

"Sorry guys, I'm kinda busy these days. I have so many android problem that has to be fixed and I should take care of them" Araki release a big sigh and giggles, makes both of them confused

"You have an Android? I thought you'll never had an Android again" Luz said, while Meychan nods. "Since when did you have Android again?"

Araki sigh again, "since 3 months ago. A stray Android that I think he ran away from his owner, hiding in my garden. So I take care of him. And I just got a new Android again these day, my Android found him"

"Oh so now you just picking up a stray Andro...id?---" Luz stopped his word when he just realized the bush on the garden is kinda.. Moving?

Nqrse and Anku suddenly panicking because Luz just noticed them on the bush"Crap, he saw us!" Anku yell in very low voice

"Shut up, its your fault you keep moving" Nqrse yell in low voice too

"Araki is your bush usually moving like that?" Luz pointing at the bush where Nqrse and Anku hides

"I don't know, probably just a cat? It usually happened" Araki said calmly, makes Luz release a big 'oh'

Once Luz and Meychan back to Araki again, Nqrse and Anku start thinking to sneak into the house from the backdoor

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