Part Seven Epilouge

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{last chapter. Sorry, it's later than I wanted it to be, but I have school and extracurricular activities. I have my priorities. On top of that, It's pretty much all fluff and no plot, so it was hard to write. As I was trying to write this, I was watching SNL and One Direction was on, so I couldn't focus to save my life. Fun fact: I had a feels attack while writing this. Enjoy.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors. There actually probably won't be swearing. Notice the word "probably". There might be swearing in Louis's thoughts.}

I can't believe it's been eight years, six tours, a wedding and a child since I ran into this kid in the bathroom. Time flies when you're doing someone fun, I guess, I think as I sit starring at Harry and our lovely daughter.

"See something you like, boo bear?" Harry asks smugly, not taking his eyes off of Darcy.

"No," I respond calmly. "I see something I love."

"Cheesy little bum, now aren't you?" he inquired playfully as I kiss his temple. Only two hours and forty five minutes to go before we kick off our seventh tour.

"Your cheesy bum," I retort.

"Do you want to be amazing?" he questions hopefully.

"Aren't I already?" I counter.

"Do you want to do something amazing?"

"What?" I sigh.

"Go get her some food?"

"But, Hazza," I groan dragging out his nickname.

"Fine, then hold her while I do it?" he suggests.

"Okay," I smile, taking her into my arms. I pick up a random book, waiting for Harry to come back, and start to read it to her while pointing at the words.

He comes back with her food, and when she notices his presence she says, "hi."

We both freeze and slowly look at each other. "Did you hear what I heard, or am I crazy?" I ask.

"Yes," he answers. I shoot him a vastly unamused glance.

"Good job, love!" I exclaim encouragingly, bouncing her in my lap.

"Good job, babe!" he echoes, sitting down pretty much on me. We sit there cuddling for a while when Perrie walks in with her son, Alex, in her arms.

"Is that Zayn's hat?" I question.

"Is that Harry's shirt?" she retorts.

"Touché," I reason.

"Anyway, I was sent on a mission to find you and tell you to get ready. You're on in an hour," she says while Alex grabs at her necklace and she completely ignores it.

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute," Harry sighs. We grab some toys and her blanket and head to the dressing room which is also the hair and make up room. We get dressed; he's in blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and his brown boots, and I'm in dark jeans, a plain muscle-t, and vans.

Darcy sits there on the ground playing with her toys, as Harry and I banter mindlessly about random things. That's what I love about us; were like siblings, and best friends, lovers, and functional parents to a child all at the same time.

{skipping hair and makeup 'cause nothing exciting or fluffy happens}

We walk onto stage confidently as always. After we sing our first song, we start talking.

"Fun fact," Harry starts. "Darcy said her first word today. It was to me. It was 'hi'," the fans go crazy. "Just like Louis."

He grabs my hand and starts to sloppily ballroom dance with me, as Zayn starts to sing the next song.

{skipping the concert because of writers block}

I sit on the hotel bed with Harry sitting between my legs, and Darcy laying on top of him, as Harry and I play video games. After a while, we decide to go to sleep. He puts our sleeping daughter in into her crib and comes back to bed.

As he cuddles into me like he usually does, I feel butterflies in my stomach yet again. I could never get tired of him. I run my hands through his hair, as we whisper to each other. He eventually drifts off to sleep shortly followed by me. I could never ask for anything more in life.

{Thanks for reading! Sorry that it sucked so much, but you should vote anyway. Like how people laugh at Harry's jokes; even though, they're terrible because they feel bad for him.}

{I just reread this for the first time in a while. It was a bit cringe worthy in some spots, but it wasn't that bad in my opinion. I sound like I'm totally fishing for compliments in the ending author's note though.}

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