Let the work begin!

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The process was slow, but over the next week there were major improvements made in the foundation of the school house. First the ground had to be cleaned of all of the debris. Then the foundation was poured. Building the school was not the only objective for the gapers. They were expected to help drill a well and help with the daily tasks of the village people. The days seemed to last forever, but with it came a reward. It wasn't money or anything of value in the outside world. The reward was seeing the gratitude of the villagers. They were very kind and reminded Elizabeth of what her life was missing. No one in Boston, MA seemed to understand how lucky they were to live in a first world country. They always seemed to take the simple things for granted. Like taking time to check up on their neighbors.

Elizabeth sat on the church steps one day and wondered why Boston felt like a different planet. Elizabeth's family lived in the heart of Boston in a high rise. In the morning she would be in a fairly good mood, but by the time she got to school she wished she lived in the middle of nowhere. With no one around. People in the city are like a row of dominoes. When one person is in a bad mood, it rubs off onto everyone they come in contact with. Why couldn't it be as peaceful as it was here?

"What are you thinking about?" said a familiar voice. She didn't have to look up to know who it was. Andrew always seemed to always be there for her when she needed him. "Home" her voice came out with a hint of sadness in it. He sat down right next to her and pulled her close. "Do you miss your parents?"

"Yes and no. I miss seeing them everyday, but I don't miss them treating me like a little kid." She said with a sigh. "Their just trying to protect you." "No, their trying to control my life." She said trying to pull away from his embrace, but he was having none of that. He just pulled her closer. "No, they just want whats best for you. Like I do." Andrew stated with affection. She knew that he was right deep down, but she still didn't want to go back anytime soon.

One day when she was looking for stones that they could use for the foundation, she came across the same little girl that was building the rock fort. She noticed that the little girl was picking flowers. She had on a cotton dress and looked like she was in her own little world. "Those are beautiful flowers." Elizabeth said sincerely trying to get a response from the timid girl. The girl just stared at Elizabeth and started to pick the flower petals off. "I don't like flowers. I only pick them to put them on my grandmother's grave," the girl said blankly.

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