50 feet down...

11 0 0

When Elizabeth came to the swinging bridge, she saw the girl holding on to the rope railing, but had one foot hanging below the boards. The boards were made of wood and were very old. As she called out to the child, a fear crept inside of her. Ever since she was little, she has been terrified of heights. It all started when she fell out of her tree house when she was 9. Below the bridge about 50 feet down were sharp rocks. If the boards broke while crossing to help the girl, she could fall to her death.

The girl called out for help and Elizabeth had no choice, but to face the swinging bridge. She knew that without her help the girl wouldn't be able to pull herself up. Every step closer she got to the girl, the more the bridge swung. Elizabeth had to stop every few steps in order maintain her balance. After what seemed like forever she finally reached the girl. With one hand on the rope, she pulled the up into her arms. When she turned around to go back, she noticed that there was a crowd forming behind her. She saw Andrew pushing his way through the crowd. When his eyes met hers, she knew exactly what he was thinking. The bridge wasn't built for more than one person at a time and it could go any minute. Andrew had a look on his face that she hadn't seen before. He looked like he was terrified. It took Elizabeth a moment to focus. She had to stop thinking and just move.

Only 10 more steps to go. Elizabeth noticed the bridge was creaking, so she put the girl down to walk in front of her. Right as they reached to end, the bridge went. The girl was on solid ground, but Elizabeth was on the last board. Right as she began to fall a hand grabbed her foream and pulled her to safety. After she managed to calm her heart rate she looked up into eyes as blue as the ocean. It was Andrew and he didn't look happy...

"Well you just couldn't help yourself could you?" He said with a hint of anger in his voice. Elizabeth just smiled. She knew that this year was going to be full of adventure and a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The Swinging BridgeWhere stories live. Discover now