A Car Ride Home

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"Hey, Virskellington!"


"Have you ever noticed that if you squished Thomas and Sanders together, you get ass?"

"No, but I don't have a lot of free time on my hands to think about things like that so..."

Remus fell into his seat and bursted with uncontrollable laughter. Then after a few seconds he stops and explained to the confused emo who sat beside him, "You trying to roast me is so adorable!"

"Hey kiddo, can you buckle up back there?" asked Patton as he looked into the rearview mirror. He hoped that the teenager in green would cooperate. However it was dashed when he blew a raspberry at him and planted his feet up on top of the headrest of the passenger seat.

Patton sighed at his child's unruly behavior and turned his attention back to the road. Virgil turned away from the grinning goblin who was busy twiddling his thumbs to look out the car window. He would've walked home like he always did but Mister O'Rahilly offered to drive him home and he wouldn't take no for an answer so he hopped in. Roman, weirdo's twin brother, would've been sandwiched in between them but he wasn't in the minivan. He was at home, battling a spout of diarrhea which his brother orchestrated by mixing laxatives into his food which he bragged about.

The O'Rahilly house was about five miles away from his own which made him feel guilty but the man behind the wheel didn't seem to mind. Remus didn't seem to mind either but then again, he didn't seem to care about anything really. Roman on the other hand was very compassionate but he was also a bit of a dramatic brat who wanted to be the center of attention, twenty-four seven.

The ten minute car ride crawled at a snail's pace because he was driving slow in order to not skid off the slippery road. Virgil was grateful for that, better to be safe than freaking dead. Remus on the other hand was incredibly bored and forgot to bring some sort of entertainment that his dad hasn't confiscated yet.

"Hey, Verge..."


"Wanna guess an object that's red and brown?"

"No but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway."

"Yep... and it's Roman's boxers!"

He bursted with laughter again and the purple teenager cringed in response.

"Wait, how do you what his boxers look like?"

"From snooping of course," he answered with a shrug then mumbled under his breath, "Just like I know yours are black with white skulls..."



"Okay we're here!" shouted the enthusiastic driver as he rolled beside the ornately gated entrance. Virgil unbuckled his seat belt, grabbed his small black backpack and got out the van. He walked around the back of the vehicle, towards the front gate. Remus rolled his window down and poked his head out to shout at the hooded emo, "Toodaloo plum dude and say hello to Daddy Jan for me!"

Virgil didn't turn back and simply waved back at the green bean who cackled as the van drove away. He approached the gate, fished his pants pocket for the skeleton key and opened up the gate just enough that he could slip through. It swung back and closed itself, reactivating the locking mechanism on the other side.

He walked up the tiled path that lead to the front door of the Victorian gothic house that was painted in black, grey and yellow. Virgil didn't care much for the house, to him it looked like a gigantic killer hornet.

Then he approached the front door, opened it up with the same key and grabbed the cordless phone which proudly stood on top of the antique chest of drawers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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