Chapter 7

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I looked through the peephole and saw Riley. She was holding a plate of cookies and cupcakes. I opened the door, completely forgot that I took off my hood when I went upstairs.

"Hel-, wait a minute! You're that girl helped show me to the office this morning. I meant to thank you for that but you left before you could. You're so pretty. Why do you wear your hood all the time?" she mumbled the last part thinking that I wouldn't hear her but I did. I quickly tried to put my hood back up, but she stopped me.

"Please don't put it back on. I like you better like this. Anyways, since I just moved in, I wanted to bring over some homemade cookies and cupcakes. Maybe we could be friends? I won't tell anyone what you look like. It's just that I'm new and-"

I quickly cut her off "Thank you for the food, but I'm afraid I would rather be alone. Sorry."

"Oh um ok" she said while looking down a bit sad. I feel bad but I can't get close to anyone. I'm afraid that they'll leave me again.

I can't let that happen again. It'll break my heart.

"Well, I'll see you around." She said before walking off and back into her house.

I took the cookies inside and closed the door. I went back upstairs to get changed. I was about to close my curtains when I looked out my window I saw that her bedroom was across from mine. There was a tree in the middle so either of us could climb to the other's window if we wanted to.

I saw her enter her room and she waved at me with a huge smile. I waved back with a smaller smile. That's when I decided to do something that may change everything.

I ran back downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab the cookies and cupcakes she gave me and a tub of ice cream.. And two spoons.

I went back to my room and climbed out my window and onto the tree. After skillfully climbing across the tree, I made it to her window.

I knocked on it and she looked outside it confused. She saw me and a huge smile appeared on her face.

I'm pretty sure she smiled from ear to ear.. Literally. That was the biggest smile someone has given me in a long time.

"I um. Do you promise to not tell anyone what I look like?"

She nodded her head and I chuckled at how excited she seemed.

"Well then umm maybe we could give this friend thing a chance."

She screamed so loud I'm pretty sure I'm deaf now.

We started talking while eating the food. We got to know each other more and it turns out we share a similar taste in music, food, and colors.

We both love pop, Italian, and a darker scheme of colors.

"I'm really glad I climbed a tree to talk to you." I said while smiling. It was true. I was happy. I had someone I could talk to. I mean Stephanie is cool and all, but it's nice to have someone my age.

"I just have one question. I understand if you can't tell me yet but why do you hide yourself?"

I sighed. I began to recall the memories and my eyes began to water a bit. I was able to get over the sadness of the whole thing, but it was still tough to talk about to other people.

She sensed my sadness and stuffed my mouth with ice cream. "I understand if you can't talk about it. It's a sensitive situation. I'm not gonna force you into telling me anything."

I shook my head no and swallowed the ice cream. I winced in pain from a slight brain freeze. She chuckled a little.

"I was going to my boyfriend's house to study and caught him cheating on me with someone else. His name was Mason King and I thought we were in it for the end game honestly. We were so good together and we were so happy, but that clearly didn't last. I went home and started to cry. Then I got a call from the hospital saying my parents were in a terrible accident. I took a taxi there and a kind nurse named Anna explained to me that there was a drunk driver and my dad tried avoiding them. He ended up ramming the car into a tree. After a few hours, the doctor came out saying that they didn't make it." Riley gasped. "The next week all my friends told me that they were only hanging out with me because of Mason. That's when I decided that every person I let into my life left me, so I shut myself out. I wore my hood up at school and people never talked to me. The teachers gave up on getting me to put my hood down and they started calling me 'Hoodie Girl'."

I was looking at my hands and then Riley wiped a tear that I didn't realize was strolling down my cheek. She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back.

"I'm not gonna say I know how it feels because I don't. Just know I'll be here for you. I won't leave you."

"Thank you" I said softly to her. It feels nice to have someone to be able to trust. 

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